I assume he'll be keeping his ranch and still enjoying the family compound in Maine. So he'll have plenty of safe, sheltered places to lecture us about amnesty for millions of IAs, while not experiencing the "joys" of illegal immigration himself.

Dubya's New Digs
by Mike Krumboltz
January 14, 2009 05:13:46 PM

Everyone's obsessing about the new guy, Barack What's-His-Face, moving into the White House. But what about the fella who's been living there for eight years? He's about to be evicted! Where the heck is he supposed to go?

Answer: Dallas. President Bush and wife Laura have purchased a swanky 8,500-square-foot home in suburban Preston Hollow. According to an audio report from NPR, the president and first lady will take up residence on Daria Drive. It was once a sleepy little street, but ever since the move was announced, it has become a place for gawkers and photo-hounds.

For those reasons and more, the street will soon become a gated community. The Dallas Morning News reports that the city council "unanimously approved gating Daria Drive." And, in case you were wondering, an article from KERA quotes a council member as saying that the new gate will "be done at his [Bush's] expense." Nobody seems too sure who is going to pay for Dallas police to "provide around the clock security."

Regardless of who foots the bill, neighbors seem to be generally enthusiastic about having a former president on the street. A local young Republican printed up signs declaring "Welcome Home, George and Laura." Future neighbor, Tom Hicks, who owns the Dallas Stars and Texas Rangers, is considering adding a helipad to his property. We assume he wouldn't mind letting Dubya use it every once in a while. Heck, it'd be the neighborly thing to do.
