August 27, 2007

Many political pundits from the mainstream media dismissed Ron Paul's campaign for president from the day it started. However, when support for Dr. Paul came alive via the Internet, those so-called experts had to acknowledge (reluctantly for most of them) that there is support for Ron Paul. But then, they tried to dismiss that support as little more than an Internet craze that could not translate into "real support on the ground."

Well, we know what they either don't know or don't want to admit: Americans from every state and every walk of life are supporting Ron Paul's message of freedom, peace and prosperity.

As straw polls from around the nation are showing, more Americans by the day are deciding they want Ron Paul to be our next president.

Your donation will help us sustain this national momentum as we organize across America. See the straw poll results for yourself and then make a donation. You can now use PayPal to keep our momentum going.

List of Straw Poll Results

Thank you!

Kent Snyder
Chairman, Ron Paul 2008