State Nets $1.6M in Weekend Garage Sale

Lesha Ruffin

SACRAMENTO, CA - The state made $1.6 million from a 2-day garage sale over the weekend where discounted merchandise from the state's warehouse was on display, according to a State department spokesman.

The grand total from Friday and Saturday included $1.2 from auctioned vehicles; $398,000 from cameras, computers, desks and more. Items sold on eBay and Craigslist went for $60,000, said California Department of General Services spokesman Jeffrey Young.

All 477 vechicles sold out on the first day.

Lines of people went out the door and around the corner, some people waiting for several hours in intense heat Saturday. Young said out of the 7,500 people who showed up, there were only enough items to sell to about 2,000 of them.

For more information about the garage sale, visit the State Department of General Services Web site.

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