California is deviding and splitting up American Families. I was born and raised in this state and like alot of Californians planned on growing old and retiring here with my family around me.

This is not going to happen as my children and grandchildren are fleeing California. Our educational and college system is forcing our children out of California. Our college kids are being forced to abandon California Universities to get their degrees from other states and have no intention of coming back.

I have student in a CSU. For the last 3 years she has watched her tuition go up as her benefits go down. She is a pre-nursing student, always on the Dean's list, but cannot get into the nursing program. Her school like most Universities are only accepting 10 out of 400 nursing students. The counselers are advising all students to go back to community college get into an associate degree nursing program and then come back and spend another year at the University to get their Bachelor's degree. The problem with this is all nursing programs even in the community colleges are wait listed. Students are waiting years after completing all their prerequistes to get into nursing programs in California.

I started checking out private schools in California willing to foot the money to get her BSN degree. Surprised to find that there isn't that many, especially in Northern California. So, I started checking other states. I found that I could send her to another state's University and pay out of state tuition for half the cost of a resident Californian's tuition in California and the classes are not impacted. Example: NV University cost per semester for resident - $4,000, non-resident $10,000, CA University cost per semester for resident $19,000.

When I called her and asked her if she would consider going out of state, she said, "I will go anywhere to get my degree". She informed me that a lot of her classmates were leaving California in order to get their degrees.

My other daughter just recently had to decide whether her family should take military orders for California or another state. She came to me for my opinion and I had to tell her "leave California and don't come back".

We hear the sob stories from the one side about breaking up families or punishing the poor children of illegal immigrants, but when is the fact that the Illegal Immigrants and their children are punishing American Children and their parents going to get the proper attention; When it is too late!