'CHANGE' Sometimes Involves The Unexpected
Jim Kirwan

Americans demanded 'Change' and now we're looking at what some were thinking about when they used that term. The one thing that the changelings didn't count on was that they would be unmasked before the entire world.

With this charade unraveling faster than a card-shark can palm an Ace; the road-show in Washington has been reduced to shadowy haggling, not unlike the money-changers of old. Of course the difference this time is that the "Temple" is the people's house; and the money-changers are supposedly the servants of the people: And this entire "BAILOUT" is nothing more than a day-light attempted-robbery gone very, very bad!

Do you still want "Change," or might you be willing to settle for returning to the rule of law, maybe even reinstating the Constitution-now there's an idea!

In the meanwhile there are the debates tonight. If the Republicans are serious about their assurances that: "Sarah Palin is ready to be president from day one," then she should sit in for the AWOL McCain, who wants to remain silent in Washington, rather than to debate anyone about anything in person.

Apparently candidate McCain is incapable of doing more than one thing at a time. Has John never heard of phones or teleconferencing, or maybe being a legend-in-his-own mind has blurred the fact that he hasn't even been active in the Congress for the last two years! But whatever it is that has caused this 'maverick' to again duck out on a public event, remember the attempt to avoid hearing from Cheney-Bush at the start of the convention that he also canceled; ostensibly out of respect for the victims of Hurricane Ike? He said then that he would ask the party to raise millions for the relief effort: that never happened, just like this will never happen, at least not as this permanently delinquent teenager would like things to be.

And since the topic tonight is not about the economy but about one of its evil step-children (the illegal preemptive war in Iraq), then the nation would have the chance to hear the expert opinions of the republican Vice-Presidential nominee, Mrs. Sarah Palin. This could solve two problems simultaneously.

McCain would get to play out his role as "the sole savior of the nation," and the public would have the chance to assess the validity of his judgment in choosing Sarah for the second highest office in the land. Since Sarah, according to herself and John McCain is ready to assume the presidency from day one: then what better way to assure the American people of her competence than to watch her debate Obama on the War in Iraq?

'Change' has also brought us some very unusual examples of leadership, from the most unlikely places. While the economic pillars of the Temple of Democracy continue to crash all around us, that series-of-cogs that supplies liquidity to the markets has been doing something very strange-they have removed $125 Billion in the last four days from the money supply. Is this something that is designed to hasten the collapse of even more banks just to insure that the state-of-the-crisis does not lessen? (1)

There is also this rather strange fact: The crisis has been precipitated by the fact that banks in this country don't trust each other enough to lend money to each other. By itself that is perhaps not so unusual, given that everyone in contention now, over the-shape-of-things-to come, is or desires to be part of this criminal-takeover of the Republic. Remember that ancient bit of wisdom: "there is no honor among thieves," well there is even less "trust" among criminals for each other! That is why they cannot agree on how exactly to perpetrate this act of evisceration that would top all that they've already done to us, up to this point!

Millions of people have been waiting for the truth to come out, perhaps, because of this current colossal failure that just might finally begin to happen! The administration seems mystified that the public is not buying the same old lies, the same worn-out wolf-cries that have worked so well before. It has not occurred to them that whenever anyone lies as often as they have--if their lips are moving then they're lying-that is because there were never any consequences for any of their previous crimes prior to this robbery-gone-bad!

What was perhaps overlooked this time is that they want to wipe out the ability of Americans to exist; this is not just another bunch of foreigners thousands of miles away: NO this time the economic weapons of the New World Order are aimed at the heart and soul of American life! And this time what they are proposing will not be temporary or repairable by any future action-and this time the public can smell their own blood in the fetid waters of this corruption!

This is CHANGE, maybe not what you or I had in mind, but it is "Change" after all: Deny them this opportunity, and any future opportunity to ever have this chance, or anything like it, ever again! (2)


1) FED speaking out of both sides of mouth
http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Find-Fre ... &From=News

2) VIDEO - Marcy Kaptur 5 min 35 sec
http://bloggerinterrupted.com/2008/09/v ... sh-bailout
