The Left's Moral Compass, Tolerance, Hypocrisy

Can America Survive its Sharp Left Turn?

By Bob Shoup
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In November of 2008, with the assistance of a compliant media, a poorly educated electorate, and widespread dissatisfaction with the Republican Party’s abandonment of its conservative base, the Democrats swept to power in 2009. In less than one year, President Obama, with the help of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and a gaggle of radical czars, has steered our Country into a sharp turn to the left.

Many conservative commentators and bloggers have commented that this sharp left turn is dangerous, a threat to America’s survival. The majority of people express some concern about the new direction the country is being forced to go, but do not know how concerned they should be. They feel uncomfortable, but are not sure if America is truly threatened.

Is America threatened? Can we survive this sharp left turn? Let’s look at the whole picture.

The Left’s World View
To understand where the Left (and by Left, I mean far left) wants to take us, it is important to understand where the Left wants to go. The Left have a Utopian vision for the world. They envision a world in which there is no war, no poverty, and no consequences. For this Utopian world to exist, they must first eliminate greed and jealousy and replace them with a sense of global harmony and equality.

Unfortunately, greed and jealousy are integral parts of human nature. These human flaws mean that we will never fully achieve such a Utopian world. So in order to achieve this Utopian vision, the Left requires a big government which can be used to mandate Utopia. This same big and benevolent government has the added benefit of watching out for the best interest of the common folk, because, quite frankly, the Left sees the common folk as incapable of taking proper care of themselves.

The U.S., with its long and imperialistic past is not the right government for this job. To get everyone committed to this Utopian vision, we need to be part of a larger—more global big government—the United Nations.

The Left’s Moral Compass
Following the recent arrest of Roman Polanski for his rape of a 13-year old girl, we have heard quite a bit about the Left’s moral compass recently. And what we have learned is that the moral compass of the Left points in whatever direction the left wants it to point.

You want sex with a minor; the Left’s Moral Compass points that way. Do you want to have sex with your staff, not a problem; the left’s moral compass points that way too, even if you are married, and even if your staff are made uncomfortable by your sexual advances. Do you want to promote sex between young boys and old men as does Kevin Jennings, Obama’s Safe Schools Czar. The Left’s Moral Compass points that way too. In fact sex is so prominent in the Left’s moral compass, that under their tutelage, we have created a generation that cannot read, write, or think critically. But they can put a condom on a cucumber.

Want to lie? Want to steal? Want to destroy someone’s reputation? All perfectly fine! Want to vandalize a power plant or commit acts of civil disobedience? So long as these actions are made in support of the Left’s vision of Utopia, then the Left’s amazing moral compass makes all of that acceptable too.

Freedom from Consequences
The Left’s moral compass points whatever direction is necessary to be free of consequences. In a world without consequences, it is acceptable to kill a baby being born so a woman does not have to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex. In the same world with out consequences, it is not acceptable to execute a convicted felon, after all, they are not responsible for their crimes and should not be held accountable for them.

In a world without personal responsibility, it is acceptable to sacrifice soldiers in the field while you seek political cover. Being free of consequences means the Left can reach out and appease those individuals who seek our destruction. After all, it makes them look good. And if someone does do something to hurt us, well, it was not the Left’s fault. Nothing is ever the left’s fault.

Just as one can not be held accountable for the consequences of their actions, or lack of action, so too can no one fail. Failure is a consequence, usually of bad decisions. But, so long as the Left’s actions are free from consequences, then they are also free from failing. So, if someone borrowed more money than they could afford to buy a house, it can’t be their fault. It therefore had to be your fault, and you must help them recover from your failure by giving them money.

The End Justifies the Means
Achievement of their Utopian vision is paramount. To ensure that we submit to the will of the UN, and that we end greed and save the planet from ourselves, we must all be convinced that these aims are worth the sacrifice we are called on to make. In order to convince us, the Left resorts to scare mongering, lies, fraud, and civil disobedience. These actions are acceptable so long as they help advance the Utopian vision.

On the other hand, truth is not acceptable, at least when it is used to promote a more conservative viewpoint or when it stands in the way of the Utopian vision. In those cases, the truth must be discredited and those who tell it must be vilified.

The Left’s Loyalty
When you live in a world without consequences and the ends justify the means, then by default, you live in a world where loyalty does not exist. Whole Foods CEO John Mackey found that out the hard way. He was the perfect role model of the Left. He built a successful business that cared about the environment as well as his employees and the community. He was certainly not greedy capitalist like Sam Walton. Then one day, John Mackey expressed his opinion that America did not need a massive health-care entitlement. The Left’s response was to call for a boycott of Whole Foods stores. Stated in a more colloquial way; John Mackey was thrown under the bus

Since Obama became Commander in Chief, we have thrown the CIA our soldiers, the Czech Republic and Poland, the people of Iran, and the people of Honduras under the bus. Any American who have expressed dissatisfaction about any of Obama’s massive spending programs have found themselves looking up at the undercarriage of a bus as well. I suggest you get used to the view.

The Left’s View of Business
Those on the Left have a dim view of profits, they consider them ‘obscene’. People motivated by profits are, by nature, greedy. Big profits give way to big salaries. Those in turn create an ever increasing gap between the rich and the poor. Furthermore, some businesses are evil. Big oil for example is evil. Big oil provides you with the energy you need to run your car and help makes your life more comfortable. That, in part is what makes them evil—cars are bad, and your comfort threatens the environment. So business must be regulated and controlled; by the Left of course. Business can not be allowed to get too big or it will become like Walmart, or, Heaven forbid, like Exxon. As for the jobs these businesses provide? Well they are simply not that important, not when greed and obscene profits are at stake. Besides, members of the Left don’t work at Walmart or Exxon, they sue them.

The Left’s Tolerance
Part of the Left’s vision of a Utopian world is tolerance. Not only must we be tolerant of alternative lifestyles and beliefs, we must be careful not to offend those that practice them. Of course, these are things that the Left expects, not something that the Left practices. You can be sure that they have no intention of tolerating you and they have no problem offending you. In fact, the Left is so intolerant of your opinions, that it will take every measure they can to stifle them.

The Left’s Hypocrisy
In the Left’s Utopian world, one can lie while accusing an individual of lying. One can ride in limousines and live in a big house while telling others to ride bikes and live in un-air conditioned huts to save the planet. One can make millions of dollars while bashing capitalism. And one can cheat on their taxes while telling others it is their patriotic duty to pay more taxes. You can demand women’s rights and claim that forced sex is not “rape-rapeâ€