Carla Bruni tattletales on Michelle Obama

By Kay Daly
September 16, 2010 1:24 PM

A new book penned by France's often outspoken First Lady Carla Bruni describes a private conversation she had with America's "First Lady" Michelle Obama in which Obama describes the job of First Lady as "hell" and that she "can't stand it." ... Bruni.html

Poor, poor, put upon Mrs. Obama.

If there ever was a more square peg to try to fit into a round hole than Michelle Obama as the First Lady, I would dearly love to hear about it. This is a woman who, beyond an extraordinarily inflated view of self-entitlement, has no appreciation or wonder or awe at the sheer history of her position, its importance, its status as a cultural icon or even the possibilities of the good she could actually do for the nation if she would just get over herself.

Seriously, in so many ways, Mrs. Obama bothers me as much if not more than Mr. Obama. I expected Mr. Obama to be the arrogant leftist that he is. But I am disgusted with Mrs, Obama's behavior from start to finish.

She had such an opportunity to be an amazing role model for so many young girls who are in desperate need of a shining example of what a true lady is in today's cultural and social wasteland. Moreover, she could have demonstrated what a smart, strong, capable woman could do in that role. She could have ushered in a whole new vision for the Office of the First Lady that would reflect what so many women in America could relate to and emulate, I am not talking about a femininst overhaul but rather a revival of the lost art of being a true lady.

Don't get me wrong here -- I would not have agreed with her politically about anything. But by God she should at least demonstrate a modicum of grace, dignity and humility. Instead, Mrs. Obama has behaved like a petulant teenager who got a Mercedes for her sixteenth birthday only to burst into tears because it is red instead of blue. She has pranced all over the world from resort to resort, from lobster to caviar, never once showing an inkling of what it really means, and more importantly what it could mean, to be First Lady for the United States of America.

What an embarrassment. ... z0ziYjNB2V

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