Catholic Bishops Should Quit Supporting Left-Wing Causes

Friday, November 20, 2009 3:30 PM

By: Richard A. Viguerie

Fellow Catholics, have you contributed to ACORN lately?

You probably think you’ve never given money to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now and its allies. But if you’ve contributed to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) appeal of the Catholic bishops, you’ve done just that.

Each November, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops asks Catholics across the United States to contribute to the CCHD. Until last year, much of the money collected was funneled directly to ACORN.

Scandals have forced the bishops to stop funding ACORN directly, but they still fund other groups that are similar to ACORN — groups that have the same aims and that use the same methods to promote a left-wing, extremist agenda.

Catholics are led to believe that their contributions to CCHD are used to help the poor – funding soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and other worthwhile projects that provide aid to the least fortunate among us.

But what the CCHD does not reveal is that it contributes to organizations that engage in “community organizingâ€