Obama Goes Into Lame Duck Mode Against Gun Owners!

Did you think the lame duck session was over?

If you did, think again.

Obama's increasingly desperate now. With his negatives as low as they are, even his base is beginning to lose hope in him. If things get bad enough, he'll go into lame duck mode. That means; he'll do as much damage as he can before the election...

While the vast federal regulatory super-state remains in the power of a freedom hating cabal of leftists.

So what does that mean for gun owners?

The fact is, the fate of your gun rights lies in the hands of a president who is planning on using regulatory fiat to SNATCH them away. Gun owners MUST be prepared for Obama's onslaught of anti-gun laws.

We can never take out firearms freedom for granted again.

Regulatory fiat is the act of bypassing Congress and the Constitution to use federal regulatory agencies like the ATF to pass laws. Obama has already used regulatory fiat to pass new restrictions on the sale of certain guns in border states. He is also increasing the punishments for violating gun laws.

Where there's a will there's a way should be Obama's 2012 campaign slogan.

Don't be fooled. Obama won't stop at two measly anti-gun laws. When Obama wants something, his oath of office seems to fly out the door. After all, who needs Congress when you can just avoid the trouble and weasel around them?

Obama will pass his gun control agenda by hook or by crook.

The ATF is responsible for the murder of Americans and countless Mexicans, through Project Gunrunner. And they have sponsored the commission of crimes in the United States. Now, their only path forward is to lash out at American gun owners so they can save their own hides and protect their power.

Their plan of attack will likely be in the form of a huge regulatory blitz against law abiding Americans. And believe me, they're already trying. In January 2011, the ATF released the "Study on the Importability of Certain Shotguns."

In the study, the ATF ruled that there should be BANS on the import of certain shotguns that the ATF says don't meet the sporting purposes rule. So again, please act today and give a generous contribution to CCRKBA to help protect your gun rights.

The ATF has sole discretion over what "sporting purposes" are. That means; the ATF could issue similar studies to regulate and/or BAN guns. Project Gunrunner was the only reason a ban on certain types of shotguns wasn't passed.

But we won't always have a scandal like that to keep the ATF busy. And you and I both know, when the ATF isn't occupied, they tend to go after law-abiding gun owners.


Remember, Obama is not like other presidents. Actually, I'm not even sure approval numbers, polls or opinions matter that much to him. His end goal is not to have the highest poll numbers. His end goal is to FUNDAMENTALLY change the United States - forever! It doesn't matter if he bulldozes over Congress, as long as he achieves his anti-gun objectives.

Obama's dictatorship: "It's my way or the highway."

The gun grabbers are already hard at work helping Obama achieve his regulatory fiat goals. The Brady Campaign, otherwise known as Handgun Control Inc. has launched a MASSIVE crusade to help Obama give the ATF MORE regulatory power!

The Brady Campaign has teamed up with anti-gun extremist groups in Mexico to increase the ATF's power in the border states to stop the flow of illegal guns. It would be a better use of their time and money if they focused on stopping the ATF from smuggling guns across the border.

We don't have a moment to waste!

Remember, the anti-gunners won't go away if we sit back and do nothing. In fact, that's what they're counting on.

But, you and I can stop this treacherous anti-gun policy.

Don't let Barack Obama & Eric Holder get away with this!

TAKE ACTION: We have to start NOW by letting ALL CONGRESSMEN know that you STRONGLY OPPOSE Obama's backdoor gun control maneuvers.

BE ENCOURAGED -- Remember that the majority of the American people are with us. With every passing day, more and more citizens are expressing their opposition and outrage to Obama's backdoor gun control schemes.




Alan M. Gottlieb
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

received by e-mail from CCRKBA on Fri, Sep 9, 2011 9:35 am.