Had to do a little editing on this one, but it's still a bit racy.

The Changing of the Guard Diapers
By Jeffrey Bennett, Publisher

Jeffrey Bennett

~ Chronology of Servitude ~
Donald H. Rumsfeld

Secretary of Defense, 1975 – 1977, Ford administration;

Secretary of Defense, 2001 – 2006, Bush Jr. administration

James A. Baker III

Secretary of State, 1985 – 1988, Reagan administration

Secretary of State, 1989 – 1992, Bush the Elder administration

Dick Cheney (whose political career began in 1969, during the Nixon administration)

Secretary of Defense, 1989 – 1993, Bush the Elder administration

Vice President of the United States, 2001 to (at least the date of this writing).

The above does not include other luminaries such as Colin Powell – another recruit from Bush the Elder’s administration, brought in to shore up Junior’s ineptness in the early years of the present administration.

November 11, 2006 - There are times I need to let it settle in and fester for a few days, letting the stink build up, so to speak.

Wednesday morning, November 8, 2006, this miniscule world of ours woke up to the realization (which many had predicted) that not only was Waldo’s honeymoon over, but that America now demanded a divorce from the lies, the deceit, the phony ’Christian Conservativism’, the Neo-CONS and the war of one George W. Bush. I for one have been ready for the baby to be thrown out with the bath-water since October of 2001, when the winds of war were becoming quite apparent.

I received an email from an old friend – you know the guy – the one who doesn’t like “the man in the green suit.” Da Horse opined;

”Well Rummyass is gone, but it ain’t got nothing to do wit da erection. Whorehey gonna put a CIA dude, in his place. What does a CIA dude know bout bein the Secretary of Offence? Dats like getting a yuppie-puppie to cut your grass instead of a Mexican. Me I would put a top military man in da spot, but dats just how a workin’ man thinks, dats why we cant figure out what da f dey are doin - we bees too stupid.”

One must understand that this is not the way Da Horse speaks in public – it’s just our way of conversing, yet his comments are indicative of the change in attitude of the American people. My response to him was;

”Big deal. Now he can hire out to speak on college campuses and Republikrat fundraisers all over the land - still selling the party line for free-dumb from a terrorist state. The CIA prick is another friend of his Daddy's. Remember???”

By the next morning columnists all around the country were catching on: Daddy was riding to the rescue once more – to bail-out the inept son. From college to the National Guard (Vietnam?), from baseball to oil – Daddy always seemed to be changing this kid’s diapers. Tuesday night, Waldo must have crapped pants, ‘cause Daddy was working overtime looking for an oversized pair of Huggies for his idiot son.

The first changing of the diapers came the morning after the election, when Bush the Lessor held his morning-after press conference to announce that Rummy had submitted his resignation as Secretary of Perpetual War and was being replaced with one, Robert M. Gates. Funny thing isn’t it? Gates (no relation to Bill Gates of Microsoft fame – or is he?) is the only employee of the Central Intelligence Agency to rise all the way through the ranks from entry-level spook to Director of the CIA and in fact has enjoyed a long history as a company man. From www.hindu.com, we read, ”…he also served the older Bush White House as Director of the CIA.” Then there was Iran-Contra. James Baker is allegedly being exhumed once more from the political grave to assist in the confirmation of Gates (an old crony) as replacement for the Rummy.

Of course now we know that Waldo had been interviewing for Rummy’s replacement for some weeks and outright lied (once more) to the American people as related to Rumsfeld (Iss dat a Southern Baptist name, mien herr?). Just days before the sweeping of the House (and the Senate), Junior told the world that Secretary Rumsfeld would remain as Secretary until the end of his presidency. I guess that he thought that he could bamboozle the shoeple once more by showing “strength of conviction.” Ummmm – there is a thought – conviction!

The changing of the guard has already begun as has the 2008 election season. We have an avid, anti-gun, pro-abortion, pro-Communist leader (although in her favor, she was outspoken against Waldo’s ’invasion of Iraq’) assuming the reins of power in the House of Misrepresentation in January – just two steps away from the Presidency. Just think – Junior, (they don’t call him ’DICK’ for nothing) Cheney and then Pelosi. Look out Hillary, she better not have friends in the White House Travel office or SHE might make arrangements for a cavalcade of old politicos through Dealey Plaza in Dallas. POP! POP! POP! Hillary’s out and President Pelosi takes charge. What a concept! Oy Vey!

In addition to the present administrative idiots, we would rid ourselves of the likes of Perle, Wolfowitz, Libby, Feith, Ladeen and Ari Fleischer (oops – he’s gone - replaced by one Tony Snow-job). One should question the derivation of their names – BEFORE they were Anglicized at Ellis Island. Just prior to Election 2006, these scions of Junior’s New World Odor (really Daddy’s old New World Odor) – sensing the outcome of the polls - began to change their tunes and soften their rhetoric. But don’t kid yourself, with the departure of the self-avowed Neo-CONS - President Pelosi would just replace them with more of the second generation of the descendants of David Ben-Gurion.

I ask again - what has really changed? Nothing - only the masks worn by the actors on stage. The play is still the same.... entertain the audience while the destruction of America takes place behind the curtains of deceit. Could that have been what Bush was talking about when he said some folks were measuring the West Wing for drapes? - Jacki Juntti

All of the above proves one thing – not that ”all politics is local” as Tip O’Neill once said – but that all politics is incestuous.

HEY – where is my Depend? After this election, I just crapped my own pants!

Without Apology I am,
Jeffrey Bennett
