Child molester's dream come true

Posted: June 22, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
By Olivia St. John
© 2009

Two recent government actions, one legislative and one judicial, have called into question our society's willingness to protect its youngest and most vulnerable members.

A hate crimes bill (H.R. 1913 and S. 909), dubbed by critics the "Pedophile Protection Act," has already passed the House and is up for vote in the Senate. The bill earned its unofficial name when Democrats rejected an amendment to exclude pedophiles from legal protection. No doubt this legislation serves as a precursor to onerous hate speech legislation in the future.

On the judicial front, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled in a divorce case that two minor children must be forced to mingle against their will with their homosexual father's "gay" and lesbian friends during visitation. Claiming the children of Eric and Sandy Mongerson will not suffer harm from this contact, Justice Robert Benham overturned an earlier lower court ruling protecting the children from exposure to "overnight company with a member of the opposite sex, or with any person deemed to be a paramour, unrelated by blood or marriage, in the presence of a child."

Beth Littrell, an attorney for the pro-homosexual group Lambda Legal, said, "The court has done the right thing today by focusing on the needs of the children instead of perpetuating stigma on the basis of sexual orientation."

An AP report said the mother's attorney, Lance McMillian, "claimed the father subjected the children to an 'array of violent, sexual, abusive and wholly inappropriate conduct' during a trip to Arkansas and contended the father was in a series of affairs with other men while still married."

During the trial the two oldest children expressed fear for the safety of their younger siblings due to their homosexual father's violent outbursts. One of the girls told of finding a magazine with naked men while visiting her father.

So much for "justice" and the assertion that children's needs are a priority.

Benham might have done his homework and discovered a plethora of reasons to block easy access to these children by the friends of their homosexual father. He could have started with the wealth of material found at the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality. Numerous scientific studies show soaring rates of violence within homosexual and lesbian relationships, shortened life spans caused by diseases influenced by their lifestyle, and a significantly higher rate of child molestation as compared with heterosexual populations.

But if Benham were truly concerned about the wellbeing of children being raised by homosexuals, he could talk to internationally recognized speaker Dawn Stefanowicz, who authored "Out From Under," a book relating her childhood experience living with a homosexual father who was sexually abused as a boy and later died of AIDS. In the book she describes her childhood exposure to her father's gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transsexual, or GLBT, subcultures and their explicit sexual practices. She recently addressed the Canadian Senate on hate crimes legislation. She focuses on the impact the homosexual culture is having on children, particularly relating to marriage, parenting, sexuality and education.

In a recent correspondence, Stefanowicz shared her own experiences and her concerns drawn from discussions with other adults who were raised in homosexual households. The following aspects typify these children's experiences:

Associating with the parent's GLBT community creates painful gender identity confusion and prevents healthy development.
Children are "silenced and forced to tolerate hearing speech, witnessing sexual behaviors, and going places they find offensive."
Children are saddled with "stress, depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, anger, sexuality confusion, and tremendous insecurity."
During Stefanowicz's childhood, her father "traveled all over North America and to the Islands, finding ample cruising partners and locations." She said it was not safe "to bring my good-looking boyfriends" home because they could be propositioned by her father to have threesome sex with another homosexual adult.
A number of children feel sexually abused though association with the sights of the GLBT subculture and "witnessing their parent in sexual situations and multiple relationships." She said it's common for parents to take children to gay pride events sporting offensive sexual material, discussion and behavior.
Stefanowicz says, "Some adult children express they have been sexually abused by a parent or partner(s) who have attempted to recruit them either directly or by innuendo and by example. Pedophilia is a big part of the subcultures." Sadly, she recounts her father being sexually involved with an underage boy who later committed suicide.
Stefanowicz has heard personal accounts from children who have contacted her. "They have been exposed to hepatitis and other pathogens because of living in close association with sexually active parents and partners. When young, dependent children share snacks, utensils, drinking glasses, use bathroom facilities and do not wash hands, touch washcloths … toothbrushes … children are at risk of becoming infected." She recounts picking up "feces-covered sheets" after one of her father's encounters and is concerned that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledges the high level of disease risk associated with GLBT behaviors, yet fails to discuss infection transmission risk to children in their care.
Stefanowicz sees firsthand the effect of hate crime laws in Canada. Predicting what is ahead for America should such legislation pass, she says, "It is deeply saddening to see how many churchgoers/conservatives/Republicans are in favor of hate crime (laws). Americans have no idea what hate crime really is all about."
Her concerns are backed up by statistics. A 2007 Gallup poll indicated a majority of Americans (68 percent) support expanding hate crimes laws. According to USA Today, "Majorities of frequent churchgoers (62 percent), conservatives (57 percent), and Republicans (60 percent) also were in favor of the legislation."
Continuing, Stefanowicz says, "Unfortunately, charities that speak against homosexuality will lose their charitable status and be fined. Media will also get shut down by the FCC if anything negative is said about homosexuality, and mention is made of the health risks, research on causes, and possibility of people leaving the lifestyle. "Gay" activists will go back into web archives and make complaints about offensive articles and links. Pastors will also be sued and church denominations could lose their tax exempt status."

Stefanowicz sees a dire future if hate crime laws are strengthened, stating, "With hate crime federally implemented, soon Human Rights Commissions – the likes of what we have in Canada – will hold tribunals in every state, prosecuting those who speak against the sin of homosexuality or mention any health dangers associated with homosexuality. … In Canada, it is a 100% conviction rate."

Do hate crime laws really protect children? No. They protect adults perpetrating acts of indecency on minors.

Hate crime laws are a child molester's dream come true.