This is a press release from Congressman Tom Tancredo

Tancredo Blasts ABC News Report on "Covert Operations" in Iran

Congressman Asks for Probe Into Potential Leak

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo (R-CO) today called for an investigation into leaked U.S. intelligence about alleged covert operations in Iran to ABC News, and condemned the media outlet for running the story which could jeopardize American lives.

"Whether it is true or not, it is absolutely irresponsible for any media to publish a story like this that could jeopardize American lives," said Tancredo, "When foreign governments and terrorist groups can simply watch the news to find out about potential U.S. intelligence operations, we have a problem on our hands."

ABC News reported this morning that the CIA had received secret presidential approval to mount a covert "black" operation to destabilize the Iranian government. They say President Bush has signed a "nonlethal presidential finding" that puts into motion a CIA plan that reportedly includes a coordinated campaign of propaganda, disinformation and manipulation of Iran's currency and international financial transactions. The CIA did not confirm the allegations.

Tancredo plans to ask Attorney General Gonzales to open a criminal probe into the source of the leak and ABC news' decision to disclose the information. He also plans to call for Congressional hearings on the matter.

"I hope Democrats and the media show as much interest in this as they did over Valerie Plame," concluded Tancredo.