Soros’ & Strong’s dream:

China supplanting the U.S. as World’s Largest Auto Market

By Judi McLeod
Monday, January 11, 2010

There’s a picture of a soldier from the People’s Republic of China on this morning’s Drudge Report, depicting, Internet style, how China has finally ended the U.S.’s reign as the world’s largest auto market.

Had Drudge and, who broke the story, been more journalistically correct, the lone soldier’s picture would have been flanked by those of Obama bagman George Soros and UN Poster Boy, Canadian-in-China Maurice Strong.

For it is a matter of fact that the People’s Republic of China did not naturally nor honestly win the race as world’s largest auto market, Soros and Strong made it happen.

The intent of the deadly anti-American duo back in 2006 was to flood the American market with cheap Chinese made cars.

While Chicoms in the automaking industry cheated by stealing blueprints from North American competitors, Soros and Strong were boasting about how cheap econo-box cars from Communist China would decimate Ford, Chrysler and GM.

The “Poor Man’s Wheelsâ€