Climate Change, That Ol' Scheme To Bleed The Rich

06/04/2015 07:09 PM ET

Anyone who has doubted that the global warming scare was cooked up to shake down advanced economies should read this story in the Guardian about the need to send money "to poor countries to help them cope with climate change."

"The global target of directing $100 billion to poor countries," the British newspaper reports, "is likely to be missed unless private sector finance is ramped up significantly." Businesses are "expected to co-invest."

The $100 billion is part of the 2009 climate agreement from Copenhagen and it's supposed to be delivered every year beginning in 2020. It's no surprise that squeezing the private sector — which is already gouged by taxes used for the payments — is being mentioned as a possible source. The forced redistribution of wealth from prosperous nations to developing countries is a driving force behind the climate change fright campaign. Once again, it was Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of United Nation's Framework Convention on Climate Change, who admitted that the goal of environmental activists is "to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years."

A special thanks, by the way, to the Pirate's Cove blog, which recognizes as we do that this is all "just a money transfer scheme," for bringing the Guardian report to our attention.

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