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Agenda 21 eliminates private property.
The RNC platform opened the door. The RNC stated in writing on Page 45 they are against UN Agenda 21. They asked. We delivered.

The Bill is located on
Print the bill. Take it to your candidate. Ask them to support this bill so your property rights will be protected. There is no vision plan in any county of Florida that protects property rights.Any legislator that can not sign this bill does not deserve to represent you.
It is up to you. Now is your time to help. Get as many signatures on the signature page as possible. Print as many copies as you need. Bring the Bill with you to all gatherings. If you are walking the precinct, take the Bill with you. Every time you complete one page:
Fax it to 850-303-0029
Scan and send to
or mail to
OPR Enterprises
POBox 681
Shady Grove, FL 32357

Keep the originals until session or bring them with you to the Rally in Tally on Oct 20. See Below.

If you live in another state, just take out Florida and put in your state name. Become a citizen lobbyist. Freedom is not free.
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To all Americans:
While you are busy running around getting people to vote, our government is busy fixing to fleece us once again. This time they want you to believe that the oceans will raise 4-20 ft and massive title waves will wipe Florida and other coastal states off the map. We must prepare, we must spend more money raising homes, ripping out roads, digging ditches.
Folks really are we that stupid. Well the South East Climate Consortium seems to think so. Have they read their own reports?
A large-scale NOAA experiment has proven that global warming skeptics were correct: temperature warming in the U.S. has been significantly overstated in recent decades. read more
While NASA climate alarmist James Hansen insists record summer heat and drought are caused by man-made global warming, leaked internal emails from just three summers ago reveal that he and his colleagues expressed alarm that the planet was inexplicably cooling. read more

Al Gore continues to lie... read more

HUD funds millions to Regional NGO's so they can close our industries, make our elected official irrelevant, destroy our businesses and steal our property all under the name of some GREEN program that is a lie.
The plan is led by a consortium established jointly by the South Florida Regional Planning Council and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and is funded by a $4.25 million grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Some 200 public agencies, advocates, business and academic groups are involved, including county and city planners, elected officials, major universities and chambers of commerce. Read about the destruction of MIAMI

Even though they know sustainable development (controlled human activity) doesn't work, From the American Planning Association: “The current planning policy strategies for land use and transport have virtually no impact on the major long-term increases in resource and energy consumption. … They generally tend to increase costs and reduce economic competitiveness.” Their claims are unfounded and untested, yet you ALLOW THEM TO CONTINUE. Read their own words.....

The question is Why? Why if we know they are lying, if our Congress knows they are lying do they continue to fund this garbage. Why are we forced to accept our eminent doom?
The answer is always the same, money, power, control...

The result of the illegal government's illegal actions on Americans. Think where are the legislators when you need them? They only want you when they need you, Marco Rubio, Bill Nelson...

In Miami, Aida and Jose will have their property auctioned off due to a phony land grab by DERM and the Harvey Ruvin corruptacrats. Can you help? Watch this disgraceful attack and know it will visit your community soon. over 1000 families lost their property, homes, business, farms, ranches and lives. This assault is called tyranny and you can look forward to more. .... watch this video

New Bedford, Mass., scallop fisherman Larry Yacubian brought around his boat, Independence, hailed by the Coast Guard. The officers who boarded his fishing vessel didn't tell Yacubian it was a setup to coerce out of him a ruinous fine and to destroy his life so thoroughly he could never get it back. read more
__________________________________________________ All of these lies are part of Agenda 21 as it is implemented today on you in America. Never forget:

  • Everything Happens for a Reason
  • Everything is connected
  • The goal is always the same
  • Learn their code - DOUBLESPEAK - permission to lie

The Goal of Evil: Money, Power and Control
Plan: Agenda 21, Total control of human activity, you life, your land
Tool: Schools, government, NGO's, Non Profits, Grants
Materials: Our children, our laws
Constant: Lying is OK, ends justify the means
Result: Agenda 21 is the UN Plan to inventory and control every aspect of human activity.


When the plans are actually analyzed and the truth is known
and the people are engaged, everything changes. Britain gets it. The AP reports that in order to gain growth to their failing economy. The British are taking an ax to their regulations so business can flourish...Now where else did we hear that comment? Read More
Gadsden cards: Stop job killing regulations.

This article is for Adam Putnam and all other state Commissioners of Agriculture that feel corn and other foods should be burned for fuel escalating food prices and causing artificial food shortages....
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union will impose a limit on the use of crop-based biofuels over fears they are less climate-friendly than initially thought and compete with food production, draft EU legislation seen by Reuters showed.

The draft rules, which will need the approval of EU governments and lawmakers, represent a major shift in Europe's much-criticized biofuel policy and a tacit admission by policymakers that the EU's 2020 biofuel target was flawed from the outset.

The policy u-turn comes after EU scientific studies cast doubt on the emissions savings from by crop-based fuels, and following a poor harvest in key grain growing regions that pushed up prices and revived fears of food shortages.
Read More
Gadsden cards: Stop burning food for fuel..

Obamacare will save medicare...
Dr. Barbara Bellar, a Candidate for Illinois State Senate, summed up in one sentence the sheer folly of the entire Obamacare operation. view Barbara

Increasing taxes will bring in more revenue
Remember Christine Romer, Obama's economic adviser who left to go back to teaching economics in Berkley. Christine says no. Is that why she left? ..... Understand economics 101

Alert: Where does your food come from?
NOAA has destroyed the American fishing industry. Because of all the regulations we now import about 85% of our fish from other countries. If you knew the filthy conditions in which these fish were raised you would never eat another fish again. We have a very large portion of our working population that depend on the fishing industry for their livelihood and many have lost everything and many more are struggling to hang on. Research NOAA. Agenda 21 can only be implemented when Americans are unaware. In Oregon due to green requirements the timber industry is closed. Instead of producing revenue, logs are rotting. People unaware, enable Agenda 21 to proceed with very little opposition. While we are paying attention to education and property rights the agricultural, fishing and timber industries are being destroyed. Remember…..these industries are considered unsustainable under the doctrines of the UN Global Biodiversity Assessment Report. See where your food comes from
Gadsden Cards - Made in America. American money for American jobs.

What is the true purpose of Fluoride?

Remember Agenda 21 calls for the depopulation of the planet. How do they do that? One sterilization at a time and Evil calls it whitening your teeth. See video

The Clergy is engaged
Did you know that in 2008 only 50% of Christians voted? Some surveys show that only 25% of Christians usually vote. (I don't have the figures for Jewish voters.) But this is not an ordinary election.

Barbara Samuels and her 912 Super Seniors are working with clergy across the country. God and morality makes America strong. visit and participate.

We need to make certain that our pastors, priests, rabbis and religious leaders know that there are easily available materials and directions for organizing a voter registration effort in every church. We are trying to alert, in particular, those people who are not registered. But every person needs to know how important their vote is, particularly in this election. The deadline for voters to register is October 9, 2012--just 30 days from today!

With the help of the Internet, it's possible for a church group (or any group--the materials can be used for nonreligious, Jewish, etc.) to get this organized in a few hours. There are even free graphics to download for promotional materials. The whole process can be done onsite. Here's how:

1. Go to . . .
2. Click on Religious Organizations in the menu at the top. Everything you need is right in this one spot - here in the pull down menu you'll find Fearless Speaking; Programs & Tools; Faithful Citizenship 101; and Videos for Churches. You'll find out who's registered, and you can register them right here on this website as well.
3. Follow the How To Steps; download the free graphics for flyers, yard signs, and posters that can be used by any person or organization to remind people to vote.
4. Set up a voters registration table right at your site; you will need a laptop, internet access and printer. Print out two copies of each voter's registration voucher, mail one copy to the Supervisor of Elections, and give one copy to the voter.

Check out Faithful Citizenship 101, and if you have any concerns about IRS regulations. Note: If you live outside of Florida, or want to look at a slightly different approach, you might check out, which has the same one-stop capability.

Know you are never alone. You are an AgEnder, an American against Agenda 21. Truth, Education and Conversation are KEY.
We the People are the Answer. Don't be fooled again.

God Bless You and God Bless America.

Karen Schoen, AgEnder
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Join us on our Wednesday night AgEnders conference call. Connect with other AgEnders throughout the country and share views and ideas. John Casey is this week's guest. John the author of will explain the truth about the climate.

Join us on Repatriot Radio: Guest this week, Ruth Esser. Learn how to stop land and water grabs in your town. _________________________________________________
Some good news:
Citizens are educating legislators and they are listening.
This video of the NH Town Hall is fantastic.

FL: AgEnders Bob and Neil put together a 284 page book connecting UN, GRANTS, NACO and FAC You can purchase the CD in the store

More good news:
GA: Citizens create oversight committee to watch legislators in their county. See the committee at work

Obama's History: The economy he inherited does not compare to the one he has created.

First click the Photo, scroll down the page to the photo and listen to the explanation. Of course you can read what Michael Moore says as well but the photo is incredible.

“I am just one person, a citizen of this country using my first amendment rights to speak out through my art,” McNaughton writes on his website. “This is my declaration that we have never had a president do more harm to our country than Barack Obama.
When you click on each destructive act, the reference appears.



Some of the world’s leading companies and foremost experts in designing and building the “smart cities’ of the future will be gathering for the Bay Area Council’s inaugural U.S.-China Collaboration Symposium on September 28 hosted by Marvell Technology in Santa Clara and featuring Governor and former U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman Jr.

Imagine Huntsman as President......
If you can go contact Heather Gass
How do you kill 1 million people? You lie to them.

This election is very clear. Either we will be part of the United Nations of the Americas or the United States of America. A vote for Obama is a vote for the UN take over.

On October 20, Florida is having a Freedom from the UN Day Rally at our state capital. We will bring a clear understanding and education to Americans about what living under UN domination will mean. We will present legislation to our state legislators to end funding to any UN NGO or NON-Profit connected to the UN.

We ask any and all state leaders and groups to join us by doing the same in your state. The corrupt UN is destroying America state by state while eliminating private property rights. This is happening throughout the country. NOW is the time to make your voice known.

Florida: If you or your group is interested in joining us for the last Freedom Rally before the election, please do so by clicking
Should you require a bus or bus information, let us know. With enough people the bus should be around $20 each.

Other States: As soon as you have your Rally set, send us the link.
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Lies in History
FDR wasn't just a miserable failure of a President who created the Great Depression with his Socialist policies, and he wasn't just a tyrant who imprisoned tens of thousands of Americans of German, Italian, and Japanese descent in concentration camps: he was also a co-conspirator to the cover-up of one of the most infamous massacres of the WWII era: the Katyn Forest Massacre of TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND captive Polish Officers by Josef Stalin's Secret Police.

In so doing, FDR ensured that America would tolerate Poland later becoming trapped behind the 'Iron Curtain,' thus compounding the tyranny, oppression, and genocide inflicted upon them both by the Soviets during the early part of WWII, as well as that inflicted by the Nazis.

Those Polish officers weren't just poles. They were the relatives of many Americans. They were human beings, and they are the ancestors to the pro-American Poles who live in present-day Poland.

And FDR, the Democrats' favorite president of the 20th Century, covered up a war crime that many Americans at the time would have had a hard time believing anybody but the Nazis could commit, with their minds being so full of pro-Soviet propaganda
This Roosevelt is the same who sent a ship load of Jews back to be slaughtered by the Nazis. Is this the same FDR that Obama touts as a hero? Read More
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Para Hispanos
Libertad USA

Join us: contact
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As you read before Sally and Charlie have worked very hard putting together the suit and then the petition so as more people could be included within the suit to express their outrage regarding the Elected Official's betrayals. Yes, Please sign the petition from Sally and send to your friends. No American is above the law

America is in our hands. Are you a sheeple or a sheeple herder. Visit our new site
Learn some of the missing history and policy. If for any reason you can not read or do math, it is not your fault. It is not too late to learn. Please ask us for help. We all have been lied to.
We are AgEnders, we are here to help. We are Americans, the largest group of free people in the world. We bring you news rarely reported in the MSM so you will hear the truth and make informed decisions. Please send us your stories. Join us.

God Bless You and God Bless America.

Karen Schoen, AgEnder
Gee and I thought Smart Meters were going to save us money. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you. Smart Meters will do several things but none of them will be to benefit the American people. They will invade your privacy…… you really think these meters cannot be programmed to HEAR what is going on in your house?? They will monitor everything you do in your home and when you do it, when you are home and when you are not home. All new appliances already have chips in them. They will ration resources, the grid will redistribute resources from our country to other countries, and the energy they allow us to use will be extremely expensive. And they are a health and fire hazard. Stop them NOW before it is too late. Remember….Agenda 21……..control and inventory of every human activity. Electricity today but tomorrow we will have a meter on gas and water…….and that includes private wells too.
Contact Maredy Hanford and go to Tally on Sept 20. Don't let your voice be silenced.
GADSDEN CARDS - REPEAL Obamacare ____________________________________
From the OathKeepers:

“The USS Constitution is still sitting right there, off the stern! She’s still sea-worthy, able to weather any storm.We need to jump off of this weak, fiat imitation of a system we have been conned into sailing for nearly a hundred years, and get back onboard with our Constitution.”
U.S.S. Economic Titanic has already hit the economic ice-berg and is sinking. Arguing over who should be the next captain is not going to save us. Even if we replaced the entire leadership staff, by firing all of Congress, that also won’t save us. Those who have served in the infantry know the old saying “embrace the suck,” which means to accept reality and deal with it. Well, we need to accept the reality that an economic collapse is coming, embrace the suck, and deal with it. As Patrick Henry said, it is better to know the worst, and provide for it, than to delude ourselves with false hope. Read More
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Great Foreclosure site:
______________________________________ Truth, education and conversation are the enemy of communism.
Be come a citizen Journalist. Answer blogs, write comments. Do anything you can to get UN AGENDA 21 in print and on the media. Try this one
Gadsden Flag cards Get U.S. out of the UN .. and get the UN out of the U.S. _____________________________________
Gadsden Flag: Support Rand Paul S 2122 making the EPA accountable. ______________________________________

Gadsden Post Cards: NO BUDGET, NO PAY. _____________________________________
Are you Prepared? Please prepare like Isaac a great storm is upon you or a fire, tornado, earthquake, EMP. What would you do? Could you survive without power, gas, money, food. Try this: get everyone in your house a notebook and pen and flashlight. Then shut off the power and water in your house for the weekend and see what happens. You will know what you need after that. Write down everything and then use the list to prepare. When you think of something new, write it down.

Check out the preparedness section on

Chance favors a prepared mind.
SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP>>> Make a donation to the AgEnders and
Come to an AgEnders conference or get some important ideas for thing you can do. Become proactive not reactive.
Senators Rand Paul, John Cornyn Introduce Bill To Limit Gov't Power To Seize Private Property! Read More _____________________________________________
Please send article for your state.
The Elite can only have power if you give it to them.

"All Tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Thomas Jefferson

Your calls work,

Gadsden Post Cards: No Budget, No new Bills!

America truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away,"After America , There is No Place to Go"

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Khrushchev: Your grandchildren will live under Communism. You Americans will not accept Communism outright, but we will keep feeding you small doses of Socialism, until you finally wake up finding that you already have Communism.
We will not have to fight you. We will so weaken your economy, until you fall into our hands.
Listen to Teacher push Marxism in schools.

Most important remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE, United We Stand!!!

Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act.
Karen Schoen, AgEnder

Thank you AgEnders for contributing to this NewsLetter: Karen Bracken, Victoria Baer, Rose Bailey, Pam Evans, Vicky Davis, Charlotte Iserbyt, Cindy Lucas, Diane Kepus, Neil Rice, Bob Root, Tony and Deb Caso, Donna Garner

"All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke