I know there are alot of Conspiracy Theories out there, some hold water too no doubt.
When our Govt. came out and said it was going to "Save" Fannie Mae, and AIG, it got me worried, VERY WORRIED!
I started looking into what happened with these companies?
Why would we want OUR Tax Dollars going to save a Private Company/Organization? So, I looked at the Board Membership of AIG & Fannie Mae and noticed something simply AMAZING!
AIG is a Corporate Member of The Council on Foreign Relations...The AIG Board Members, CFR Members.
Fannie Mae too has ties to the Council on Foreign Relations, one just has to look alittle harder. Seems some in the "Corporate Governance" have SOLID relations with some of the "Corporate" members of the CFR.
What I want to know is this... Am I seeing to much into these ties? Or does the CFR and its Members Call ALL the shots in The United States of America? Protecting the OLD MONEY?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_I ... onal_Group
http://www.fanniemae.com/governance/boa ... +Directors