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Legalized Corruption
By Cliff Kincaid
Oct 23, 2006

Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate Bob Casey has been endorsed by, the group that got its name from the notion that the nation should dispense with the idea of impeaching President Clinton. But Casey was also endorsed and got money from Citizens for Global Solutions, the new name of the pro-world government World Federalist Association. Now, however, in a major controversy ignored by the Democrat-leaning national news media, Casey has given the money back.

The story was broken by Dimitri Vassilaros, an editorial-page columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, who noted that "Shortly after a Trib editorial challenged Mr. Casey to be forthcoming about a $5,000 donation from the ultra-leftist Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS), Casey's campaign returned the money." The group is still endorsing him, however.

AIM exposed the world-government PAC contribution to Casey in a column noting that the group's director of political giving was an Israel-basher who calls President Bush a fascist.

In its original editorial on this matter, The Tribune-Review noted that CGS decided to "refuse to say what Casey promised about ceding American sovereignty to an international court, giving even more taxpayer money to the U.N., creating a U.N. police force and stopping America from building new nuclear weapons."

None of this is illegal. But there is something fishy about a candidate taking money from a group under mysterious circumstances and then giving it back when the media focus some unwanted attention on it.

With the recent guilty plea of Rep. Robert Ney in the Jack Abramoff affair, the media are reminding us of the "culture of corruption" in Washington, D.C. A Washington Post editorial noted that Ney did legislative favors for Abramoff in exchange for gambling junkets, golf trips and free meals.

But what about taking money from a world-government group that wants to destroy the sovereignty of our nation? That doesn't get any attention from the Post.

Cliff Kincaid is the Editor of the AIM Report