Dear fellow American,

The gun smuggling scandal perpetrated by the ATF, "Operation Fast & Furious," has so far resulted in the deaths of at least three Americans.

It's time gun owners and grassroots activists crank up the heat on our Senators and Representatives to investigate and hold those guilty accountable.

Barack Obama's hand-picked Attorney General, Eric Holder, has faced little heat for his role in the orchestration of smuggling weapons to drug cartels that have been used to kill Americans.

You and I MUST get to the bottom of this scandal. Gun owners need accountability.

Please sign the Fire Eric Holder and Investigate the ATF Petition -- RIGHT NOW!

Thank you!

Dudley Brown
Executive Director
To my U.S. Congressman and Senators:

Whereas: The Justice Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) illegally paid for weapons to be smuggled to drug cartels in Mexico, and;

Whereas: Barack Obama's administration was planning to use "Operation Fast & Furious" to force gun control on the American people and undermine the Second Amendment, and;

Whereas: No member of the President's administration has been held accountable for the deaths of at least three Americans, and;

Whereas: Barack Obama's notorious anti-gun Attorney General, Eric Holder, has faced little heat from Congressional investigators into "Operation Fast & Furious."

Therefore: I demand that you increase the pressure and crank up the heat on the investigation into the ATF's gun smuggling scandal, "Operation Fast & Furious" and hold those responsible accountable, including Attorney General Eric Holder.

Go here to sign the petition