Communism: It's baaaack

Posted: June 30, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
© 2009

While the world was focused on the death of Michael Jackson, the U.S. House passed the largest tax increase in our history. The "Cap and Tax" bill passed on Friday has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with tax and control. In his speech about it, Obama pointed to California as the example to follow. The amazing thing is that he did it with a straight face.

While California lies in bankruptcy, we are now seeing a hostile government takeover of our banks, our finances and our car industry, and they are now aimed at our energy, our mobility and our health.

I thought we beat communism. I thought when the Berlin Wall came down so did its failed ideology. I was wrong. It's baaaack. And if we are to have anything left of our free market, we must rise up and fight our government that invades us from within.

In an article from the Russian Pravda by Stanislav Mishin titled "American capitalism gone with a whimper," he reminded us of Prime Minister Putin's warning to Barack Obama not to follow the path to Marxism – "it only leads to disaster."

They should know.

But we won't listen: "The descent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed, against the backdrop of a passive, hapless sheeple," said Mishin.

The best documentary on how the Gipper single-handedly brought down Soviet communism: "In the Face of Evil: Reagan's War in Word and Deed"

How do we stop it? Perhaps the place to start is by looking at the man who led the successful fight against communism: Ronald Reagan. In a two-part series, from my book, "The Criminalization of Christianity (Read this before it becomes illegal)," here's some of what Reagan taught us.

The Model – Lessons from Reagan

"Let us renew our faith and our hope. We have every right to dream heroic dreams." – Ronald Reagan, First Inaugural Address
Looking back to Reagan, your initial reaction may be similar to mine: "Heroic Dreams?" We're getting clobbered down here. We're doing all we can just to survive – there's no time for heroic dreams. If we can just hang onto our freedoms a little while longer, maybe our children could still grow up to know it.

But Ronald Reagan didn't set out to survive the Cold War. He set out to WIN it. I believe the same thing applies to the cultural war. You can't win a war if all you know is defense. It seems as though we've been bailing water for so long, we've forgotten why we've set sail in the first place. When you're in "survival mode" you don't have time to dream heroic dreams.

Reagan embodied hope when the world looked grim. He was an optimist when there wasn't a lot to be optimistic about.

Reagan said it this way:

"It's hard when you're up to your armpits in alligators to remember you came here to drain the swamp." Feb. 10, 1982
When the alligators were everywhere, Reagan remembered what he came to do. He stood for freedom and the strong defense that ensured it.

'Evil empire'

On March 8, 1983, Reagan gave the famous "evil empire" speech. "I believe that communism is another sad, bizarre chapter in human history whose last pages even now are being written." When his speechwriter, Tony Dolan, sent him a draft, Reagan took out his pen and made it even stronger. It went from, "surely historians will see they are the focus of evil in the modern world," to "they are the focus of evil in the modern world." The words "evil empire" were removed and Reagan re-inserted them three times.

The New York Times called Reagan's "evil empire" speech "simplistic" and "sectarian" while Time magazine proclaimed that it couldn't possibly be taken seriously because of the pure ideology. Others on Capitol Hill ranted about how relations with Moscow would be set back.

In the midst of all the finger pointing and criticism following Reagan's speech, yet another "seasoned diplomat" accused Reagan of undoing "20 years of diplomatic relations."

Watch this. While most everyone else would have caved and buckled under the criticism, I love what Reagan did next.

Reagan's responded, "What did 20 years get you? A stronger Soviet Union and a weaker America."

Reagan. He knew what he believed and he knew why. And all the criticism in the world wouldn't change that. Or his course of action.

While Reagan was being condemned by the liberal press, there was something else going on that nobody could have imagined. Behind the iron curtain people had a different reaction. In dark, damp prison cells, Russian political prisoners began to tap on walls and quietly talk through toilets Reagan's words of inspiration. Word was spreading. So was hope. Natan Sharansky was one of them that "remembers feeling energized and emboldened." Freedom's message was being heard. Breathing hope to those who knew its value more than most. And it was real, not empty rhetoric.

Reagan knew there was a titanic battle between good and evil. And he knew which side he took. A month before the Summit in Geneva, Reagan was flying the presidential helicopter over Manchester, N.H., with then-Gov. John Sununu. "'What I'd really like to do with Mikhail Gorbachev is to pick any house down there,'" and introduce him to the 'working people' of America. I'd like to ask him to compare our way of life with that of the Soviet Union.'"

Listen to Putin: Communism leads to disaster. Listen to Reagan: It is evil. Then tell Barack Obama and this Democrat Congress to listen to you: "If you continue this free fall to Marxism, we will fire you."

So go to a tea party, you can find the list at But Congress must know: the party's over. Dare to dream the heroic dream of getting our country back, and sign up for the September Conference in St. Louis which will show you how:

Janet Porter is president of Faith2Action*: turning people of faith into people of action to WIN the cultural war TOGETHER for life, liberty and the family. Author of "The Criminalization of Christianity," she hosts a daily radio program from 2-3 p.m. Eastern and a daily radio commentary heard in 100 markets and at
* Title and affiliation for identification purposes only.