Comrades Against Arms
By Ted Lang
I simply cannot believe that this topic must be aired yet again, and I also cannot believe that I am hearing and reading, yet again, that "constitutional scholars" are trying to determine what the Constitution really says about the individual right of private non-government citizens owning and keeping firearms. Precisely who is it that holds themselves out to be "constitutional scholars?" I'll tell you who they are, but if you visit this site with frequent regularity, you already know who they are! They are communists, socialists, fascists, "liberals," Nazis and other similar forms of depraved humanity with diplomas from law schools!

How can one live in a "free society" and not be allowed the enjoyment of God's creation unless through life, liberty and property? Are we now not to be allowed the right to life? Of what value are these rights which have been bestowed upon Man by his Creator if one's life can be taken away by another? Of what value is a good man or good woman if "the law" allows law-abiding God-fearing citizens to be robbed, raped, kidnapped, tortured and murdered? A decent human being will never abuse the right of self defense by criminally using his/her weapon on another innocent citizen. Good people do not kidnap, rape, rob, torture and murder; only politicians and other criminals do!

Good people don't need any damn government laws or any other such "goddamned pieces of paper!" Criminals and politicians break the laws, not law-abiding people. But when criminals or politicians wish to take advantage of hardworking, law-abiding citizens, "legislation" is created which is totally devoid of either equity or justice. The Founders were honest men; unfortunately, they were naive in believing that our "good" politicians and rulers in the future of this greatest, yet failed, experiment in human freedom, would be totally devoid of any modicum of basic human decency.

Speculation is rampant about what the Supreme Soviet that is our "supreme" court will do concerning the DC-Heller case. What nonsense! Communists have been winning in all three branches of our criminal government since our first communist president, Lincoln, was "elected" by Marxists in 1860. And this will be the final government move to render US totally defenseless against our communist lords and masters.
What?! You don't believe me. Here's proof, so educate yourselves. Look at the Ten Commandments; then read the first Ten Amendments of the Constitution, our Bill of INDIVIDUAL rights. If you don't know American history, than know this: the anti-Federalists who believed, as is stated in the Declaration, that this nation was to be formed by the people and their states to guarantee individual freedom for all citizens, refused to ratify the Constitution until these guarantees of INDIVIDUAL freedom were assured. So who needs "constitutional scholars"? Does trial by jury, freedom of speech, the preclusion of self-incrimination only apply to groups, the police and the military? Now read Karl Marx's ten points for a perfect [communist] society. Which of these "tens" apply most closely to our nation and its government?

But the Second Amendment mentions "a well-regulated" militia; doesn't that mean gun control? The answer to this question, once again, is right in the Constitution. For the uninformed, or those only MSM and government school informed and therefore brainwashed, the body of the Constitution, the Articles, specify what America's national government can, should and MUST do. Impeachment anyone? The Bill of Rights specifies what American national government is not allowed to do, which is to encroach on the individual rights and freedoms of its citizens.

Once this simple constitutional rule is understood, it is a relatively simple matter to read the appropriate sections in each: the Articles and the Amendment. John Adams, our first Vice President and second President, and also a Federalist, offered that our nation is forever protected on both sides by two vast oceans, and that all we needed for protection and defense were the "walls of wood" that comprised the Navy. It is for this reason, that BOTH Federalists and anti-Federalist didn't wish to fund and maintain a standing army. The Founders feared that someday, if a standing army were established and funded, a dictatorship, as now exists with Cheney-Bush, would evolve and strip the people of their lives, their liberties and their property. So why are speculation and nail-biting now necessary? The Supreme Soviet will rule for Cheney-Bush just as Congress and Madam-of-the-House Pelosi have!

Article I of the United States Constitution establishes the powers of Congress, such as those for writing and voting into effect laws, having the power to tax, having the power to COIN money, and to declare wars. Article I, Section 8, paragraph 11 specifies the power, "To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years." Paragraph 12 empowers Congress, "To provide and maintain a navy." Do these simple statements require interpretation by "constitutional scholars"? An army is temporary, a navy is permanent!

But what about "well-regulated" and gun control?

The answer is in paragraphs 14 and 15, of Section 8, still under Article I. Here's 14: Congress is empowered: "To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions." Paragraph 15: "To provide for organizing, arming, disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress." Are "constitutional scholars" needed here?

As concerns constitutional directives regarding both the military as well as the CITIZENS' militia, and NOT the National Guard or reserves which weren't formed and which would have been considered as state standing armies anyway, which section of the Constitution is more elaborate, more specific, and a lot less succinct than that describing the powers Congress has relative to an army and the navy? This more specific section comprises what is meant by "well-regulated."

Here for consideration is the Second Amendment: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear [carry] arms, shall not be infringed."

But if there is still some doubt, why not consider what sometime Federalist and sometime anti-Federalist and fourth President of the United States, and a participating writer of the Federalist Papers, James Madison, had to say on the subject of the right of states to secede from the Union:
A Union of the States containing such an ingredient [banning secession] seemed to provide for its own destruction. The use of force against a State, would look more like a declaration of war, than an infliction of punishment, and would probably be considered by the party attacked as a dissolution of all previous compacts by which it might be bound.
The quote is from Thomas J. DiLorenzo's The Real Lincoln, who ties together the people's right to own and bear arms as well as states' right to lawfully secede from the Union. DiLorenzo states: "In defending the individual right to bear arms embodied in the Second Amendment to the Constitution, Madison invoked the right of armed secession. In warning against the dangers of a standing army controlled by the federal government that might invade a state (or states), Madison believed that with a well-armed populace, 'the state governments, with the people on their side, would be able to repel the danger' because the existence of 'a militia amounting to near half a million citizens with arms in their hands, officered by men chosen from among themselves, fighting for their common liberties.'"

DiLorenzo clearly spells out in citing Madison not only the right to bear arms as an individual right, but also clears up any confusion as to precisely who comprises the militia: the individual citizen. And as to Lincoln' runaway Federalist-Whig zealotry, his Marxist proclivities are even further exposed in Walter D. Kennedy and Al Benson, Jr.'s book, Red Republicans and Lincoln's Marxists [iUniverse Â* New York: 2007]. It's a shocker, and albeit a bit redundant here and there, quite a good read with shocking and disturbing revelations.

That all said, how will the Supreme Soviet deal with the Second Amendment after having turned away so many cries for help from beleaguered gun owners and Americans? Can there be any doubt? BUY A GUN NOW! Then Cheney-Bush and his black-cloaked Reds will have to trash the Constitution's Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3, which reads: "No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. Cheney-Bush are, of course already doing this, thereby legitimizing the criminal exposure of Valerie Plame's cover and retroactively legitimizing the espionage between Turkey and Israel and our State Department and Pentagon in allowing the passing of nuclear secrets to these nations.