By Mary Starrett
November 12, 2009

Passage of H.R. 3692 was a thumb of the nose to all Americans who actually understand the Constitution. No where in that hallowed document is there allowance for the federal government to establish, oversee, require or otherwise meddle in the business of health insurance and healthcare. No where.

Yet, 220 elected Congressional representatives rammed an unconstitutional bill down our collective gullets caring nothing for the well established fact that Americans do not want this monster. So, what will you do about it? Keep re-electing the incumbents who ignored your wishes though scores of Town Hall meetings confirmed the massive opposition to federal control of health care?

According to a recent poll, the healthcare plan has been opposed by 90% of Republicans and 58% of unaffiliated voters. The passage of the bill (HR 3692) which now heads to the Senate was touted as “historicâ€