Congress Needs To Reign Obama In Now!

What are you waiting for, Congress? Thanks for continuing to try Gabe. Unfortunately, if they did not want to find out the “real” truth this last 4 years, I doubt they’ll care anymore now. This fraud has a superior pass from the Chicago thugs, and no doubt, the muslim brotherhood. All of you have done Congress’s homework for them, and they still chose to not act upon it then. And with Harry Reid (the old geezer) still in charge of the Democratic Senate, he would not allow for anything about this fraud to come to light.

And now with Holder staying on with the DOJ, and possibly thinking about getting in another notorious liar (Susan Rice) to possibly be the next Sec. of State, Panetta, the weasel and traitor hanging by nobamas pant legs, and Valerie Jarrett running the whole show, amongst hundreds of other corrupt cowards, (Boehner), I just don’t think we have a chance of getting this lying fraud out of that White House legally. Our system is far beyond broken and corrupt, it is treasonous.