Liberal multiculturalism is the melting pot by a new name. It is still artificially constructed culture employed for political ends

Liberalism’s Weaponization of Multilculturalism

By Daniel Greenfield
Monday, March 29, 2010

Multiculturalism is one of those political words that liberals have successfully added to the day to day lexicon. It’s become so that no business or political party can describe itself without employing multicultural language.

One of liberalism’s major crusades in the last generation has been to incorporate multiculturalism into everything, and make its lack seem like guilt or evidence of a crime. And all this championing of multiculturalism appears to make liberals seem friendly and interested in promoting different cultures. But in fact that’s a fraud and a lie.

To begin with let’s remember that America was always a collection of different cultures. Even in its earliest days, the Scot, the Englishman, the German, the Irishman, the Jew, the Russian, the Dutchman, the Frenchman and many others were part of the stew bubbling in the American kettle. As immigration expanded beyond a few European companies and states, the number of cultures in the mix expanded as well. This went on without an ideological program, but because American opportunity and freedom beckoned to people across the sea. Some such as indentured Irish servants or African slaves came without choice or freedom, but for the most part America has always consisted of people who wanted to live life in their own way. And no condition of involuntary servitude has endured in America for more than a century.

But when liberals talk about multiculturalism what they mean is very different from the existing American reality of people from different cultures valuing their own traditions while interacting with each other. Liberals pretend that multiculturalism overturns the old “hostile to different culturesâ€