[Watch] Dinesh D’Souza Is Only Half Right on Why Obama is Dismantling America

Posted on 17 June, 2014 by Rick Wells

Megyn Kelly opens by referencing a National Review article in which a conservative military affairs expert is quoted as saying, “Everything that made us what we once were is under attack.” She continued saying “culturally, in our elementary schools, filth dominating our entertainment industry, traditional faith being sneered at, the idea of American exceptionalism being downgraded.”

Kelly says, “If that is true” is it a result of our nation maturing or is it to be blamed on Obama?
D’Souza says that Obama is an important part of the problem, that in order to remake America, you have to take down the America that is here now. He says Obama really did mean that he wanted a fundamental transformation.
She asks him why and he gives an explanation which places the motivation on generational factors.
Mr. D’Souza fails to recognize that there are multitudes of Americans who are of that same generation and we have not sought to join him in the destruction of our nation. Contrarily, we are working hard to counter his negative impact and hold things together until our eight-year nightmare is finished.
While some of the characteristics that he describes may be accurate, he’s too general and too forgiving. He also imparts some sort of altruistic statesman motivations or influences to the actions of Hussein Obama that just don’t wash with his actions.
While D’Souza makes some excellent points, an argument could be made that he is too generous in some ways and too kind to the man who is destroying America. Obama is a criminal out to dismantle our nation from within, just as his communist and Marxist indoctrination groomed him to do. It’s as simple and as ugly as that.

Rick Wells is a conservative author who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit www.rickwells.us
