By William Owens, Jr.
November 25, 2009

Battles are won and lost within the corridors of the mind and reinforced within the commitment of the heart. Whatever the landscape of the battlefield might look like matters not. What does matter is your heart of hearts. It will reveal where your commitment lies because your commitment is directly tied to your resolve.

For starters, your commitment must not be to America, to liberty, or to freedom. It must not rest with a political party or even a religious denomination, movement or the noblest ideology including groupthink. Thank God for Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the many others who helped guarantee our liberties, shape our constitution, and establish rights that have set America apart. These realities were not borne out of the very realities of their own existence; they came forth from an allegiance to ideals that were rooted and founded in a Creator—namely, God!

The challenge with many Americans is that they have very little to die for. Therefore, they have very little to live for. In the epic movie, Braveheart, the lead character William Wallace said, “All men die, but not all men really live.â€