Updated March 12, 2010

Pelosi's Arrogance Knows No Bounds
By Colin Hanna

- FOXNews.com

Arrogance, contempt and obfuscation in the health care debate -- that's Speaker Pelosi’s idea of transparency.

Several public opinion surveys over the last ten or eleven months make it clear the American people do not want the health care reform legislation currently before Congress to pass. It’s a sea change in the public’s attitude since from the days immediately following the 2008 election, when Democrats from the newly-elected Barack Obama on down universally proclaimed that the people had given them a mandate, that they had embraced the idea that the government should increase its control of the health care system and, with it, nearly one-sixth of the U.S. economy.

Those claims were smoke and mirrors then and they are smoke and mirrors now. Utilizing a process that, contrary to the claims of leading Democrats including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid has been anything but transparent, a bill has been produced full of special interest carve outs, tax increases and pork-laden political payoffs that, according to those who have studied the bill closely, will only make matters worse.

The American public has grown cynical about the whole business. Who can blame them -- especially when a majority of those in Congress will not even promise to read the bill before voting on it? Unfortunately for the people’s interests, the trickery appears to be getting worse. Nothing exemplifies the contempt that Speaker Pelosi has for the public and everyone outside her little circle of intimidated puppets better than her arrogant assertion that “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.â€