We crashed Lynne Stewart's 'GLOAT PARTY' last night at the Judson Memorial Church downtown across from Washington Square Park. It was a rousing affair to say the least and it came as a complete surprise to the Lynne Stewart folks who were throwing her a celebration called 'Ode to Joy and Struggle' thanking everyone for their support over the 4 years during her trial and also to 'unite for the struggle ahead'. 'Struggle' they say? As in 'Mein Kampf' maybe? As in 'jihad' too perhaps..?

The protesters where harassed and called 'Nazis', of course and the KKK over and over and told to 'shut up and to back to Long Island and Westchester' by a moonbat waving the Hitler salute. At moments it seemed like a horror movie or freak show.

Ward Churchill, exhultant in his nighttime radical sunglasses and leather, breezed in for the party for terrorist lawyer fresh from celebrating the 25th anniversary this afternoon of the death of a Philadelphia police officer murdered by Mumia Abu Jamal. The Quaker guy in the black hat stayed outside most of the time deriding the protesters and calling them terrorists like a preacher from Hell. The guy in the green jacket launched into a Tourettes-like 'Fk America' performance piece on the steps of the church, while the Communist in red satin yelled that America was the 'Enemy of the world!'
A man came out and physically threatened one of the protestors and was soon backed up by a mob of very angry looking Mumia supporters. Things looked like they were nearly going to blow when my camera unfortunately died at that precise moment. They backed away a little bit when they saw me approach to take pictures. The police were called in and the protestors who weren't breaking any laws, had to move a couple of feet to the side. I do believe I managed to catch the terror-enabling lawyer on film in the last shot.

Funny moment towards the end as I was futzing with my camera leaning up against the fence. One of the moonbats, apparently in a case of mistaken identity turned to me and said in shock, 'Can you believe this is happening?' I suppose she thought I was one of her, but I said 'Ya, I think its great!

Photos that I took of the event can be seen here.

posted by Urban_Infidel at 6:29 AM