Media outlets in denial about Ron Paul, he can win
Larry Fester
Published 11/06/2007 - 5:05 p.m. EDT

Analysis/opinion- Since Ron Paul’s record setting online one day fund raising success, corporate media outlets have been trying to diminish the impact of 40,000 individuals donating 4.2 million dollars to a presidential candidate in one day.

The Texas Congressman is on fire and has already proven he can compete with the big boys on the national level. Paul has sent shockwaves across the political landscape and media outlets denying it may be challenging the extremes of credibility.

As already predicted Ron Paul may quickly go from cellar dweller to Republican frontrunner after New Hampshire. Media outlets are already spinning about the independent streak in New Hampshire etc. as they prep the public with an explanation for a possible Ron Paul victory in New Hampshire.

In the Republican two man race, Ron Paul and whoever emerges to challenge him, USA Daily pointed out the wishful thinking that Paul will disappear into the nowhere land of third party politics.

The media outlets are starting to look silly calling Paul a long shot and quoting their own polls, as if the public should trust polls over fund raising, and the large crowds that Paul generates.

After all it was the same media outlets that beat the drums of war leading up to the invasion of Iraq.

Why does Paul have such broad appeal?

Paul’s message of civil liberties is resonating. The Patriot Act is viewed by many as an attack on the Bill of Rights. The increase in power of the presidency is viewed by many as a dangerous disruption of the balance of powers in the U.S. government.

Many people view the Iraq war as a mistake now and are concerned that the cost will bankrupt the U.S. let alone the cost in human lives. There is a growing concern that the drums of war are being beat again for a war with Iran. Tensions with Russia have increased.

There is a growing belief that federal income taxes are oppressive. The dollar is eroding and Paul’s call for reforming the monetary system is also resonating.

There is also the baffling question of why six years after 911, while America has gone to war in the Iraq and attacked the Bill of Rights at home, the government refuses to defend its own borders?

The former president of Mexico went on American television admitting that he wants massive immigration into the U.S. to forward the long term goal of a North American Union. He also said that he had plans with President Bush to create a regional currency similar to the Euro Dollar, before the plan was sidetracked.

Ron Paul’s opposition to the North American Union is also resonating.

Will Paul win the presidency? Only time will answer that but Ron Paul can win because his campaign theme of freedom, peace, and prosperity is resonating. He is raising an awful lot of cash now and this may just be the tip of the Iceberg. Unless the fix is in, nobody knows who will be the next president.

The only thing that appears certain is that Ron Paul will get more than that 1% we've been hearing about in those polls for months. Visit the USA Daily Forum to discuss this and other issues.