BBB Reliability Report for

Dave Berke Real Talk Radio Network

Original Business Start Date: 09/14/2004 BBB Rating F

BBB Accreditation
This business is not a BBB Accredited Business.

BBB Rating
Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of F on a scale from A+ to F.

Reasons for this rating include:
•119 complaints filed against business
•Government action(s) against business.
•Advertising issue(s) found by BBB.
•Business has failed to resolve underlying cause(s) of a pattern of complaints.

Click here for an explanation of BBB Ratings

Your BBB has notice a pattern of complaints concerning this company and the company has failed to address the underlying cause of those complaints. Complaints allege the initial seminar lacks information to reduce, eliminate or consolidate debt. The seminars are forums to have attendees purchase their products for $2000, an up front fee, so as not to incur more debt. Consumers state that the company provides general tips on debt reduction throughout the initial seminar leading the consumer into the purchase of the program software; such as, compound interest converting to simple interest. Consumers report being told there is a money back guarantee during the seminar. They also express difficulty obtaining a refund after they have paid. Consumers are later told that there is no money back guarantee in the contract. Consumers allege that after they pay for the program they are given reasons why they don't qualify and referred over to another program which has additional cost.

Business Contact and Profile

Name: Real Talk Radio Network
Phone: (877) 291-8373
Fax: (303) 457-8017
Address: 1333 W 120th Ave Ste 208

Westminster, CO 80234-2710
Website: - Inactive
Original Business Start Date: September 2004
Principal: Mr. David Burke, President & CEO
Customer Contact: Ms. Billi Sue Carwile, COO/Director of Operations -
Email Address:
- Undeliverable
Entity: Limited Liability Company
Incorporated: March 2008, CO
Type of Business: Credit & Debt Counseling
BBB Accreditation: This company is not a BBB Accredited business.
Additional DBA Names: Radio Talk Network
Real Talk Network
Get Real with Dave
Institute of Consumer Economic Education

Business Management
Additional company management personnel include:
Ms. Melodie Burke - Owner

Additional Locations and Phone Numbers
Additional Phone Numbers
Tel: (877) 572-1405
Tel: (303) 280-7284 ... ingdetails