Government in Washington is playing chicken with your money, your liberty, your life and American sovereignty

Are We Going To Let Them Drive Us Off A Cliff?

By Ron Ewart
Friday, December 10, 2010

Do you ever feel like you are inside an enclosed trailer of an 18-wheeler, locked up with a whole bunch of other scared-to-death people. The driver has gone nuts and is weaving all over the road, he won’t hit the brakes and the truck is headed down a steep hill, picking up speed with every foot and there is a sharp curve at the bottom? Or perhaps the truck driver is playing chicken with the driver of another truck, also loaded with scared people and they are both headed towards a cliff at an ever-increasing speed, to see who will chicken out first and hit his brakes just before the cliff’s edge.

Right now, that is exactly what your government in Washington DC is doing and has been doing with your lives and your fortunes for a very long time. They are playing chicken with your money, your liberty, your life and American sovereignty.

For God’s sake, if you were in the trailer of the truck, careening down the hill, wouldn’t you do everything in your power to get out of the trailer and take the wheel from the deranged driver? Your damn rights you would! There are millions of us in this national trailer and we had better start breaking the door down and grab the wheel before it is too late. There are only 545 drivers and a bunch of idiots following them, but there are millions of us. It should be no contest, if we can escape from the trailer. Only fear is stopping us.

Some of these drivers of our “truckâ€