Tea Party: Aren't looking for a handout, a subsidy or a government job-- but are addicted to the opiate of freedom

Cannibals, Vampires and Terrorists—Oh My!

- Daniel Greenfield
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Joe Biden has compared the Tea Party to terrorists. Maureen Dowd compared them to cannibals and vampires. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-whit ... a-partiers Then having run out of mythical monsters, or monsters they believe are mythical, there was nothing to do but roll out a few more articles about the Republican Party being taken over by Dittoheads from Outer Space.

What’s interesting about all this Pravdaesque bile is that the focus of liberal rage and terror is aimed at the grass roots. The left dismisses the Republican party as an organization of bankers and capitalists counting their money in between making orphans sweep their chimneys, but then when a populist wave sweeps across it—they pen dismal articles longing for the days when reasonable country club republicans ran things.

Say what you will about the closeted northeastern establishment which donates to gay rights in between golfing sessions, it knows how to be reasonable. Sometimes it’s so reasonable that it scares itself. But in between listening to Chamber of Commerce lobbyists explain why America needs illegal aliens and why their chosen industry needs subsidies—a different element crept in. A strange creature known as the American voter showed up and demanded to be heard.

The left has looked over the two Republican parties, the party of smokestacks and Pedro clean my kitchen, and the party of less taxes and less government interference. And decided that the smokestack party looks pretty good after all. It’s easier to deal with liberal capitalists on the hill than with libertarian visigoths at the gate.

On MSNBC, pretend journalist Martin Bashir, http://biggovernment.com/sberry/2011/08 ... psychotic/ interviewed a pretend doctor who explained that Tea Party members were pathologically addicted to “getting their own wayâ€