Lately, I have been surfing the web and have found that new cites are cropping up all over the place where illegal aliens post a lot of their personal information surrounding their criminal activity in America in order to find out how to skirt the laws and eventually become citizens. I'm thinking we should start a thread and post some of the most blatant criminal admissions and once we have compiled a long list we could present them to Lou Dobbs or a politically connected advocate as further proof of why we don't want illegals on a "path to citizenship".

Here's one example:



I am new also and want to say hello. This site is a relief cuz you think you are the only one going thru all this. My husband and I are waiting for his Cita date. I want to know that if anyone has the answer to DUI questions. He has a DUI and a warrant, will that affect his chances you think.

What do you guys think about this idea?