In Defense of Limbaugh

Tracy Press / Wednesday, 10 October 2007
A letter to the editor by Ken Bergman

Jesse MacBeth claimed he was in the Army, that he was in Iraq, that he received the Purple Heart for wounds received while on tour in Iraq, that he personally witnessed American soldiers committing war atrocities like murdering civilians and hanging their bodies in a mosque.

When the anti-war left heard his story, they took him under their wing and propped him, and his story, up as a poster boy for getting out of Iraq. His story made it into numerous articles that were consequently translated into Arabic and sent around the world as enemy propaganda to rally support against America.

The problem is, he was never in Iraq. He never received the Purple Heart. He never witnessed war atrocities. He was enlisted for 44 days and washed out. He is going to prison for falsifying a Department of Veterans Affairs claim and his discharge records. His “testimonyâ€