Democratic In-Fighting Continues Over ObamaCare Disaster, On Verge Of Abandoning Obama

By Joseph R. Carducci on November 14, 2013 Subscribe to Joseph R. Carducci's Feed

It has certainly been a long time since we have seen anything come as completely unhinged as ObamaCare. This is also leading to a number of serious…and interesting…effects that are making waves throughout the Democratic party. Of course, we should also note here once again that ObamaCare was passed and pushed through both houses of Congress without a single Republican vote. Not even the odd RINO decided to jump to the other side of the aisle on this one. In short: the entire responsibility for this disaster lies at the feet of our community organizer in chief and his Democrat underlings.
OK, certainly the Democrats are going to pay a price for all this. Even Obama admitted as much today during his speech at the White House. He said that he feels responsible for fixing this mess and getting his party out this situation because they “stood up and supported ObamaCare…through thick and thin.” Indeed. And now Obama has poll numbers sliding to new lows with three years left to go in his second term.
So, here is the situation right now. House Democrats held a close door meeting to discuss what to do, along with vent about the White House’s handling of recent events. The Senate Democratic leaders have now apparently given their approval for the most vulnerable members to sign onto to efforts that would ‘adjust’ the law. Of course, they are also still unconvinced that the website will be fixed by November 30th, either (no one really is, not even Obama now who says there may still be ‘some problems’).
As the Democratic party continues to implode upon itself, we should point out the fact that the way enrollments are running right now was always assured. Even back in 2010 when the voting was being done it should have been obvious to anyone with a brain that this plan needed a lot of young, healthy people to join and agree to overpay for their coverage in order to offset the major costs from older and sicker people (along with those who have pre-existing conditions). They also should have most certainly realized that ‘keep your plan’ was a political lie, just designed to win support initially. Isn’t it obvious that a national health plan would never work if it was really voluntary?
The real problem now, as many Democrats see it, is how these issues are going to affect them in the next elections. There have even been a number of Democrats that flat out say they don’t care about the policy consequences or even what ultimately happens to ObamaCare, as long as they are able to win re-election. If the Representatives and the Senators stay loyal to the party line, then they are already worried about the kind of ads that their GOP opponents will be running against them. While these are indeed real concerns, they are also very short-sighted.
Just consider what will happen if any of the current proposals to fix ObamaCare make it through (I think there are actually three different DEMOCRATIC versions right now). People keep their old plans, even if it is just for another year like the new Obama ‘fix’ that was just proposed, and then what happens is that we continue to see only the older and the sicker people joining ObamaCare. Then, the insurers will have to compensate for this (since the younger, healthier people who will be overpaying have not willingly come on board yet) by raising their rates across the board. So, more sticker shock…which will likely hit right before the elections next year! Go for it, Democrats!
What do YOU think? Is the Democratic Party on the verge of a break-up? Will Obama be able to hold their unity and support? Will any of these ‘fixes’ pass? How do you think the 2014 elections will go?