Rush Limbaugh: Obama can't win this
Radio host believes 'Operation Chaos' wreaking havoc in Democratic process

Posted: April 23, 2008
2:54 pm Eastern
By Joe Kovacs
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh says neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton can become the Democratic presidential nominee by means of getting enough votes, and claims it's because of his "Operation Chaos" to have Republican voters switch parties and disturb the primary process.

"Whoever is the nominee did not win it," Limbaugh said today during his post-Pennsylvania primary analysis. "This is what everybody is missing."

"Obama cannot win this by winning the primary process. He has to rely on unelected superdelegates just as she must. Both of these candidates need unelected superdelegates to be the nominee. Were it not for Operation Chaos, Obama could win this by winning the primary process. But he can't now. Nor can she. So, unelected party hacks ... are gonna choose the nominee. All the people that have voted in these primaries up to now will not be a factor."

For months now, Limbaugh, the most listened-to radio voice in America, has been encouraging voters to temporarily switch their political affiliation to the Democratic Party and vote for Hillary Clinton. The idea is not necessarily to make the New York senator the nominee, but simply to wreak havoc in the party.

"The nominee will have been delivered by party hacks, unelected superdelegates," Limbaugh said, "and that is a dream come true for Operation Chaos."

Limbaugh, describing himself as the commander in chief of the operation, suggested there's a way for Obama to end the ongoing process and secure the nomination, and that's to quickly acknowledge the impact of the radio strategy.

"What Obama has to do is go out and say this [Hillary] win is artificial and this win is phony because of Operation Chaos. He needs to go out there and say, 'Why in the world is everybody taking this seriously? Rush Limbaugh had his listeners register as Democrats for one day to go vote for Hillary to prolong this. We're letting Limbaugh get away with making our party look like it's in a total sewer and a mess. This victory in Pennsylvania is illegitimate, is undeserved because Democrats did not vote for her. Republicans did.'"