Now they are in a diabolical race to destroy the spirit of its people.

Democrats Scorched Earth Tactic Against American People

By Sher Zieve
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Upon the attempted invasion of the Soviet Union by Leftist Dictator Hitler’s German Army, in June 1941 another infamous Leftist tyrant—Josef Stalin—ordered: “The Red Army, the Red Navy, and all citizens of the Soviet Union must defend every inch of Soviet soil, must fight to the last drop of blood for our towns and villages, must display the daring, initiative and mental alertness characteristic of our people.

“In case of forced retreat of Red Army units, all rolling stock must be evacuated, the enemy must not be left a single engine, a single railway truck, not a single pound of grain or gallon of fuel. Collective farmers must drive off all their cattle and turn over their grain to the safe keeping of the state authorities, for transportation to the rear. If valuable property that cannot be withdrawn, must be destroyed without fail!â€