Democrats Setting Up Laws that Fire Sheriffs for Not Honoring Gun Bans

Posted by Darla Dawald, National Director on March 28, 2013 at 1:55pm in Patriot Action Alerts

From Our Liberty News Team:
By Warner Todd Huston

Throughout the country, especially in the south and west, local officials–such as sheriffs and rural city law enforcement officials–are announcing that they will not enforce Obama’s un-Constitutional gun banning policies should they become law. But some state Democrats are trying to head off such moves by attempting to get state laws passed that would instantly fire any law enforcement official or politician that refuses to enforce gun banning laws.

Paul Bedard reports that almost 400 sheriffs in 15 states have thus far announced that they won’t enforce Obama’s gun bans.

But one Texas Democrat isn’t taking this lying down. Dallas Democratic Rep. Yvonne Davis has introduced a law that would fire any official that refuses to obey Obama.

Naturally, like every Democrat, Mz. Davis is also against the democratic process. She added a provision to her bill that would also remove any elected official that similarly refuses to Obey the king sitting in the WHite House.

This, of course, is blatant nonsense. Only the voters should be in a position of firing elected officials, not Mz. Davis.

One lobbyist told Bedard, “Beware because once something like this is introduced in one state, it will be followed very quickly in several other states.”

Camel’s nose under the tent, if you will.

Liberty News

Democrats Setting Up Laws that Fire Sheriffs for Not Honoring Gun Bans - Patriot Action Network