Mr. Obama seems content to continue tinkering with the social fabric of the nation

Obama Mixes Clay with Iron – 2012 America’s Valley of Decision?

- Rev. Michael Bresciani
Friday, June 24, 2011

As the economy crashes around us Mr. Obama seems content to continue tinkering with the social fabric of the nation as the elected voice of the far left ideologues and the throngs of citizens who are content to let government collect taxes and make regulations; as long as they can continue in personal prurient pursuits that would make our forefathers cringe.

Social tinkering may be second only to golf for this president. Obama’s public stance on marriage has changed several times since his days as a senator, but now with his influence as president his final stated position seems to have come full circle. His choice to instruct the Attorney General not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, (DOMA) says it all.

How convenient that Obama happens to be speaking at the “Gala with the Gay Communityâ€