21 new taxes

Dems Enact a Landslide of New Taxes Beginning 01 July 2010

By Jerry McConnell
Saturday, July 17, 2010

A series of articles from Grover Norquist (Newsmax.com) in late June flagged us to a series of articles most of which covered the huge set of taxes on everything that breathes or not.

This is the shoe that we’ve been waiting to hear drop; only it will be more like a 100 megaton thunder clap that will ring in your ears and wallets for a long, long time. As we have all found out since the stealthy passage of ObamaCare by means of bribes, job offers, and traitorous actions of Dem Congresspersons who had said they would not vote for it but then did, as all untrustworthy Democrats are wont to do, there are a very high number of new taxes that will be imposed on Americans beginning in July 2010.

And believe me, it’s just the beginning, my fellow country men and women. So far there have been 21 new taxes uncovered in the ultra large bill and as Grover Norquist via Newsmax.com reports that Obama had pledged that “no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.â€