Updated March 13, 2010

Dems, GOP Pressure Fence-Sitters Over Health Care Reform Bill


Political pressure is being applied from all angles in Washington, as Democratic leaders scramble to close the deal on health care reform, and Republicans are being tapped to argue against -- and even in favor of -- the legislation.

Political pressure is being applied from all angles in Washington, as Democratic leaders scramble to close the deal on health care reform, and Republicans are being tapped to argue against -- and even in favor of -- the legislation.

Republicans are by all accounts united against the Democrats proposal, the centerpiece of President Obama's domestic agenda. And on Saturday, the newest Republican member of Congress, Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts, targeted the legislation in the GOP's weekly address.

“For many members of Congress, the time for choosing is near. Do what the party leadership demands, or do what the people have asked you to do" Brown said. “If my colleagues don't mind some advice from a newcomer, I'd suggest going with the will of the people.â€