Patriotic duty for the day, see where your congressman's $$ comes from


even I didn't do it till just now, figuring no real surprises but I
got some. My guy Mike Capuano (D-MA) gets a $1000 from Boeing, the
defense contractor (Apache helicopter, others) which is nowhere near
his district and over $3000 from a Boston Law firm (he doesn't
represent Boston). Then I clicked on "Boeing" and turns out they give
more money to Democrats than Republicans, hmm guess that explains why we won't pull out of Iraq. Those Apaches need lots of parts and maintenance and that's all a juicy DoD contract. Warning: you may get hooked and spend a lot of time googling company names out of intrigue at who they are and what they do, and why they could be giving money to your congressman. Home in on the ones based OUTSIDE THE DISTRICT.