Glenn Beck Plans Rally "At the Feet of Abraham Lincoln"
By Chris Ariens on Nov 21, 2009 11:54 PMAs he wrapped up a two-day, seven-city book tour with a rally at the Florida retirement community The Villages today, Glenn Beck wrote an open letter on

Beck writes that he is "meeting with some of the best minds in the country that believe in limited government, maximum freedom and the values of our Founders." What they come up with will be put into a new book called "The Plan."

Then, on August 28, 2010, Beck will unveil "The Plan" during a rally on the National Mall, "at the feet of Abraham Lincoln." Expect "The Plan" to be a overriding theme of his radio and TV shows for the next year.

"We'll be looking for ways to get people involved in politics," Beck says in an interview in Sunday's New York Times.

Below, a clip from the event at The Villages, including a mention of Arianna Huffington: ... r_embedded