A Disinfectant on Congress?
Get Out of Our House (GOOOH)

By Tom Deweese
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

There is a lot of talk across the nation about how to replace sitting members of Congress and restore the Republic as established by the Founders. The conversations usually end in frustration as 95% of incumbents continue to be re-elected, seemingly untouchable inside a system designed to keep them in office.

Most polls indicate that well over 80% of Americans disapprove of the job Congress is doing, yet 95% of incumbents get re-elected every election. Why? Because the process for selecting our representatives is broken. A recent Rasmussen poll said that only 25% of voters insist the election process for Congress should remain the same. Yet, to bring about significant change – indeed to replace a majority of Congress would take a ton of money and organization.

I recently came across a bold yet simple plan to replace all 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives- and do it as early as 2010. It’s called GOOOH (pronounced like “goâ€