Do you know what's going on in your state legislature?

By: Devvy
February 16, 2011

How many more laws do we need?

I wrote a column titled that at least 10-12 years ago. Every session of the Outlaw Congress there are thousands of bills. Here, go take a look. ... d112HR.lst: That's just 'Bills.' Here is the directory for all bills and resolutions. It would take a month to read just the titles and a short summary. We know that some bills get very high profile treatment, i.e., the unconstitutional CommieCare "law" recently struck down by Judge Vinson out in Florida. Of course, that hasn't stopped the usurper's minions and lackeys from moving forward despite the court's ruling.

Which reminds me before I continue. Last week I sent a letter to my newly elected state representative, Jim Landtroop, who opposes the illegal government take over of the health care delivery system in this country. I had a question for him: Even if Texas were to sign a law supported by Gov. Rick Perry nullifying "ObamaCare" and the individual mandate, how will the State of Texas stop the IRS from enforcing collection of that new tax? ... will-stand The number of exemptions granted that "law" continues to grow, but the bulldozer continues to roll and my question is legitimate. Whether it's 2012 or 2013, how will the legislature protect the citizens of our state from the Gestapo?

Of course, we know that mess is going to the U.S. Supreme Court, the question is when? Virginia's Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli announced a couple of weeks ago:

"... that Virginia will seek an immediate U.S. Supreme Court review of the state's constitutional challenge to Obamacare, bypassing the appellate court. But legal experts doubt the move will succeed and lead to early intervention by the nation's highest court. ... /id/384913

"'Rule 11 of U.S. Supreme Court procedure allows parties to skip lower courts and ask for immediate Supreme Court review,' The Washington Post explains. But the court grants such requests 'only upon a showing that the case is of such imperative public importance as to justify deviation from normal appellate practice and to require immediate determination in this Court.' A Justice Department spokeswoman said its lawyers feel the case should be heard first in an appellate court."

In the meantime, that gigantic mess will continue to cost we the people wasted money. Health care groups are moving forward despite the Florida ruling. And, as I pointed out in a recent column - the make up of the court is critical.

Let me return to my original question: do you know what's going on in your state legislature? I ask this because as far as millions of us are concerned the Outlaw Congress has dug this country into such massive debt, it's now just a matter of time until the big implosion rocks this country to its knees. No? My friend, Bob Chapman, writes The International Forecaster and has been trying to educate people about the big picture and our economy for 50 years. He (like Dr. Edwin Vieira, Rep. Ron Paul and so many others) knows markets and how the FED has been systematically destroying this country; draining the lifeblood faster than a convention of vampires. This is from his latest subscription newsletter you should subscribe to for the real facts about the economy and not just here; what's going on in other countries directly affects us because of all the destructive financial agreements we're stuck with thanks to your incumbent (and mine) in the Outlaw Congress:

"Interest rates worldwide are creeping up in the real market. In the US despite efforts to suppress real interest rates the Fed is slowly loosing control. On the short end rates have doubled and using the 10-year T-note the yield has risen over five months from 2.20% to a high of 3.75%. That doesn't in any way denote control and shows us that over time higher rates will unfold. That means the real estate problem can only worsen with lower prices and sales indefinitely. Worse yet, the inventory held by banks will grow and grow either taking them down or resulting in home nationalization. In the meantime worldwide price inflation, a result of QE1, envelops the globe. Wait until the affects of QE2 hit a year from now. Our question is when will QE3 begin? We will guess at early next year.

"We are headed toward 14% inflation this year, which is currently close to 7%. That means 2012 could send the economy into hyperinflation. As we said long ago the Fed will end up buying almost all of the Treasury and Agency bonds, which will create losses of well over $1 trillion, as rates rise. Monetization will be in full swing. The banking system is headed for renewed insolvency, as is the Fed. The effects of quantitative easing will unfortunately become manifest. Wall Street and Washington will continue to lie about it, but the Internet and talk radio will tell the public the truth. Again, your only hedge against the effects of these oncoming events to own gold and silver related assets, such as shares and coins. All the clever deceptions are not going to work. The US, UK, European and other economies are going to come apart at the seams.

"For two years we have seen higher inflation manifest itself in smaller rolls of toilet paper, the contents of cereal packages falling by half and all-basic products rising 30% in cost. The public may be dumb, but they are not that stupid. They see what is going on. This is not going to stop. It is going to get much worse. Income and purchasing power will fall as inflation runs rampant. As a result consumption among the masses has to fall reducing GDP growth to a negative factor. Profit margins fall along with profits and many more businesses cease business. A continued fall in housing prices and a staggering inventory will send many lenders into financial oblivion. All that leverage is coming home to roost.

"The economists behind the scenes and Front man Bernanke are not dumb or clueless; they know exactly what they are doing. Their tactics and policies are designed only to prolong the system to keep it from total collapse. On one end we see the administration desiring higher taxes for the middle class and the wealthy on the other we see endless extended unemployment benefits and food stamps. These experts have put America into a death spiral from which there is no return, and they know that. The only question is when will they finally pull the plug and what will be the final outcome?

"This demoralizing economic and financial picture is accompanied by unbridled fraud, theft and criminality on Wall Street. Massive naked short selling that the SEC absolutely refuses to do anything about. Insider trading prosecutions, none of which touches the Illuminist inner sanctum. A CFTC that also refuses to stop and discipline the major firms, such as JPM, HSBC, GS and Citi for cornering the gold and silver markets. Flash trading, better known as front-running, proceeds apace with no interference from the SEC. We have a government that has killed free markets under the Executive Order called, 'The President's Working Group on Financial Markets.' Then we have black box manipulation used to take markets up and down as Wall Street pleases."

There are many outstanding groups and organizations who keep track of bills on immigration (and amnesty), Agenda 21 and other issues. All of them have email alert systems to keep us updated and when we need to act on a bill. I use my email alert system to notify subscribers about items they might have missed that are important. We're all drowning in information, but there's also a lot of disinformation out there. It's important to keep factual information flowing as well as letting you know about bills coming up for a vote. The states rights movement (Tenth Amendment, nullification) isn't going to die as it did in the mid 1990s (Yes, there was one). Millions of Americans have finally seen the light and now understand that freedom and liberty can only be kept by constant vigilance. That requires all of us sacrifice the good times to keep an eye on not just the Outlaw Congress, but our state legislatures because they ARE the last wall of defense and you better believe it.

Which brings me back to our state legislatures. Some have very short sessions like mine (and Montana). When ours go out of session (roughly 140 days), they don't return until 2013, so things are frenzied in trying to get bills passed that have been introduced. I can't stress how important it is to get on the email list of your state representative and senator. I try my best to send out alerts, but I also spend chunks of time sending things to my state rep and some of his colleagues as well as research. Our former state rep didn't listen to the people in our district and we finally threw his backside out last November. Your state reps and senators are easier to contact and fire than the Outlaws in Congress with their massive war chests backed up by electronic vote fraud and political machines.

The past few days have been spent sending a comprehensive package to Rep. Brian Hughes, Texas State Legislature, on the non ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment. ... _2010.html Recently, Stephen King, Founder of the Texas Tea Party and Tea Party Movement spent time at our capitol delivering a information sheet to offices of our lawmakers on that fraud. There is interest from Rep. Hughes and a handful of others. I did the follow up with Hughes and his colleagues as well as Rep. Charles Key [OK], Sen. Randy Brogdon [OK], Rep. Dan Itse [NH] and Rep. Larry Rappaport {NH].

Stephen has a full time job, but like hundreds of thousands of other Americans, he is taking the time to get to our state capitol and make that important personal visit. When I say there is interest at this point about the Seventeenth Amendment, that is all for now. Some of this information is new to these representatives, maybe even shocking. They need time to look at the facts. Dealing with a lie as big as the non ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment isn't a walk in the park. But, if you do have time, send a short snail mail letter to Rep. Hughes asking him to please pursue that critical issue; his mailing address is: P.O. Box 2910, Austin, Texas 79768. The states cannot fully regain their sovereignty and constitutionally guaranteed right of representation in the U.S. Senate until the Seventeenth Amendment is declared null and void. If one state makes the move, others will follow.

What's going on in your state house is just as important - in some cases more important - that what's going on in Washington, DC, just on a different level. What the gents and ladies are going every day is passing more and more laws. Some are to repeal old laws, too many are more unnecessary functions that cost you in taxes. Some are very important that deal with things like guardianship, probate and what will happen to you and your estate when you pass away. ... quaid.html Then there are bills like nullifying CommieCare, closing any loopholes for ballot qualification for a presidential candidate, making sure illegals will not be able to vote - always fought by Democrats in the state houses because they are all ethically bankrupt.

Here is a sample of bills in my legislature right now, house ... housefiled and senate. ... enatefiled Some of them deal with CommieCare, some regarding veterans, some are for the courts and prosecutors. Yesterday, I called my rep asking him to vote for HR 1043 to close a loophole in the law for the disgusting "sport" called cockfighting. Last week I called my rep asking him to vote no on HR 998 which would force mandatory dog insurance; it's on the list under house above. Another piece of brain flatulence from a Democrat. If I didn't check the list of bills, I wouldn't know which ones I need to make my voice heard with my new state rep and career senator (who is a waste of time).

I know time is an issue and that's why I encourage you to join a local tea party group. Or, get together with five or ten people you know and break down who can handle tracking bills and keeping everyone informed. Set up a phone tree. Maybe one of your group is retired and can make the phone call alerts. The important thing is to get involved and spread out the burden of what has to be done. Do you know in some states like Montana, lawmakers actually list their home phone number so you can call them and invite he/she for a breakfast with a group? If we the people don't let our state reps and senators know we have their backs or support a bill that's important or ask them to vote no on more wasteful and unnecessary bills to become law, then we have no reason to complain later when we find out some sickening piece of legislation has become law.

States Begin Fight Against Food Safety Act - Is Yours? Has your state rep or senator introduced a bill to stop that abomination before the "federal" government begins enforcement? That unconstitutional "law" has to be stopped at the state level, but it will NOT happen until your state rep and senator get thousands of snail mail letters and follow up phone calls to get a nullification bill passed and signed by your governor. My next letter tomorrow is to Rep. Landtroop and a few constitutionalists in our legislature to fight that draconian bill. No watching the boob tube or going fishing. Our very future and what we leave for our children and grand children is at stake.

There are too many laws between Congress and in our states. We're drowning in laws. The only way to stop bills from getting passed that destroy our freedom, are just plain stupid or have been introduced to satisfy special interest groups that buy the favors of lawmakers is to voice your opposition to a bill. That's why networking is so important and it does require time. I know "March Madness" is just about to hit this country again. Millions of Americans will have their heads stuck in rectal darkness for weeks over basketball while their state legislatures move forward and what they're doing directly affects you and your family.

However, we can't worry about the fools in this country who think so little about their future and freedom they put things like sports on the stupid tube as a high priority. WE have to be organized, on guard and active. There are so many dedicated groups in several states trying desperately to get honest money bills through and signed into law before we see the monetary collapse. Does your state have an honesty money bill? Go to the official web site for your state and look at the list of bills or call your state rep during lunch or a break and find out.

I know you're working, probably have a family. Maybe you're unemployed, which is devastating and depressing. But, please find the time to join with others in your area and become the solution. The domestic enemies in this country hire legions of useful fools and the only way to beat them is to get involved. None of us can do it alone. My mom is 84 years old. When a "hot" bill comes up in Congress, I get on the phone to her and my disabled brother; they don't have a computer. I tell them the bill number and what it means. Bless their hearts, they get on the phone to their Congress critter and give them an ear full. When my columns come out in the US~Observer Newspaper, I make sure mother has a couple dozen copies and she gets them to the local tea party group. This is how we have made a difference and how we can win more battles.

Knowledge is power. True, but it also takes action and follow up. I also want to say as someone who has been in the trenches going on 21 years, you're not alone. One of the most rewarding things about being an activist has been meeting and working with so many decent, wonderful Americans who care about our republic. What has been happening in this country for decades is depressing and frustrating, but when you begin working with other Americans who feel and care the same as you do, believe me, it is a very rewarding, fulfulling experience. You will also begin to believe as I do that we can defeat the evil forces arrayed against us. It won't be without pain, but our numbers grow. We need to stay focused and dedicated.


1 - IRS needs $359M to amass army of 1,000 to implement 1st phase of Obamacare ... my-of-1054

2 - IRS could tap refunds for health insurance penalties ... 3120100405

3 - Obamacare and the Individual Mandate: Violating Personal Liberty and Federalism ... federalism

4 - The Republican sellout begins

Bought and paid for:

1 - Obama Administration Has Given Obamacare Waivers to 28 Food Workers Union Locals - Union’s PAC Spent $673,309 to Get Obama Elected ... -obamacare

2 - Administration grants 500 new healthcare waivers ... d-scrutiny

3 - Three SEIU Locals--Including Chicago Chapter - Waived From Obamacare Requirement ... chapter-wa

4 - Obama to DeGeneres on Why He Opposed Individual Mandate: Forcing Uninsured to Buy Insurance Is Like Forcing Homeless to Buy Homes ... sident-rul

Line up the crazies:

[b]1 - Video of the Day: Howard Dean Admits ObamaCare will Wreck Insurance, Doesn’t “Careâ€