Dr. Blaylock - ObamaCare...The National Socialist Nightmare -pdf

Friday, August 14, 2009 10:10 AM
FROM "Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum." bettym19@mindspring.com

National Health Insurance: The Socialist Nightmare
By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

One characteristic of the collectivist is that when a particular term becomes unpopular, such as the word socialism, they create a succession of more socially friendly terms. For example, in the 1800s they did not shy away from the term socialism, but as people began to understand that socialism was a form of social control and engineering, they
dropped the term for more acceptable terms such as liberalism, progressivism and collectivism. The socialist promoting a government-run health care system did likewise. Knowing that the term socialized medicine was frightening to a great number of people, they began to use such terms as national health care, universal health insurance and now single payer system. I find it ironic that no one asks these socialists, who is that mysterious single payer? Should the public consider this for even a moment, they would quickly realize that the single payer is the taxpayer and the administrator of the system is the government via an army of bureaucrats.

The socialist has, over the years, become quite adept at selling his wares. It was the Italian communist Antonio Gramsci and earlier the Fabian socialists, who understood that most of the West would never bring about socialism (communism) by violent revolution as had Russia. Rather, they would be more successful by a piecemeal implementation of socialist programs disguised as social reform or as they termed it “changeâ€