By Dr. Laurie Roth
August 12, 2011

My email box has been flooded with what reveals to be a growth in national rage and attempts to do something to get our country back. I have read of the upcoming Birther summit, launched by concerned citizen Dean Haskins. Lots of folks are signing up for this in Washington D.C. on March 11, 2012. It will showcase many speakers and national leaders most concerned about the eligibility of our President, Barack Hussein Obama. It is great to see more and more people wake up to this living nightmare, mostly ignored by our sold out and cowardly media. Few have had anything at all to say in the House, Senate, those running for Presidential nominations and our media about the forgery of a birth certificate showed to the American people and the world on April 27th 2011. The people are increasingly awake on this issue. I have been screaming about this on air and in print for years!

There is another bold plan of action thrown out to the people by Larry Klayman He is calling on peaceful, civil disobedience to remove democrat and republican leaders on September 17, 2011. These include President Obama, House Speaker John Boehner, Majority leader Eric Canter, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Klayman states:

“All political persuasions must now unite for the good of nation, go to Washington and,Ghandi style, use ‘civil disobedience’ to have them removed. They cannot be removed through impeachment, since the establishment, right, left and center, will protect itself. Short of violent revolt, which I do not advocate, this is the only means to ‘disinfest’ our nation of these ‘leaders’ who are taking the nation down the primrose path of destruction. We cannot wait until the 2012 elections, as time is short as the nation sinks further into an abyss. I therefore call for all concerned Americans to join the ‘Assault on Washington’ beginning on September 17, 2011, and throughout the week. Fittingly, this is Constitution Week! Further announcements will be made to organize this.â€