What Passes for "Rights" These Days

In looking at the above list, I can't help but wonder about what passes for an education these days. Education used to be about learning how to be a good citizen in the great American Republic. Good citizenry involves understanding The Bill of Rights and your responsibility to yourself and others. Good Citizens desire to be independent from the government, not wards of the state. They value freedom of speech, press and religion. They recognize slavery, in all of its forms. Dependence, in any form, is slavery.

Which brings me to the above list:

1. Gay Marriage: If marriage was a right, then there would be no ugly or stupid bachelors out there. All they would have to do is walk up to the nearest Prom Queen and demand her hand in marriage. Because it is their Right to be Married, she would be forced to comply by the Courts. Marriage by Court Order is a stupid idea.

The fact of the matter, marriage has always been defined as a male and female trying to repopulate the Republic. Something that homosexual marriage just can't do. To agree to subsidize the various alternatives to marriage is societal suicide. Marriage is not about sex. Its about raising a healthy offspring.

Our Slave Traders have redefined marriage as sex. Cattle and sheep have sex. So do grasshoppers and termites. Breaking down the marriage and family relationships is designed to benefit the interests of the state. No family loyalty means greater loyalty to the State. This is the anti-thesis of Liberty.

2. Tobacco Use: People used to think about the long-term consequences of their short-term choices. Society can't give anyone the right to smoke anymore than they can give anyone the right to commit suicide. Prior to the 1980s, people used tobacco without knowing the health consequences. Smoking was glamorized in the popular media and considered part of living the American Dream. If the average smoker had known what they were getting into back then, and the burden they would ultimately become on their families or society, they would have never made the choice in the first place.

On the other hand, Prohibition demonstrated that you can't force people to make responsible decisions. Perhaps a compromise would be having the tobacco user sign a waiver of responsibility that absolves society from having to pay any of the health costs associated with their habit. You have the right to smoke. I have the right to not have to pay for it. Everyone wins.

3. Abortion: The abortion industry is used by our slave masters to target populations that they consider to be inferior stock in the breeding pool. They don't like brown cows, or black cows, so they open up abortion clinics in our inner cities. They also don't like weak or crippled cows, or cows that are mentally disabled. These cows consume more grass and don't produce any milk for resale. In other words, they can't turn a profit on them. Abortion, to them, is raising a profitable herd of cows. This is why Mitt Romney has always supported abortion, contrary to what he says. Its a business decision.

Humanity loses its humanity when it no longer takes care of those that are unable to care for themselves. Socialism and inhumanity always go together, it cuts down on expenses. That is why Marxism leads to genocide, eldercide, suicide and infanticide. If you can't work, you lose your right to life. Their is no Right to Kill in a Free Republic. No matter what you call the victim.

4. Sex: Sex is not a Right. If it were, we would be living in "Revenge of the Nerds" (See Prom Queen analogy above). Sex is good, but it is designed to be used within the constraints of marriage. Society cannot give you the right to have sex. If it did, there would no longer be protections against rape. Woman become objects and sex toys in such a society that get thrown away when a new and improved sex toy hits the shelves.

Fact: Pregnant woman, or those that have children are not focused on living whatever sexual fantasy comes into the minds of their husbands. Instead of buying the latest sex-toy outfitting gear, they often-times choose to spend money on their offspring. Its called maternal instinct. It involves sacrifice. The marriage contract does not have a "sex-toy" provision that allows a man to throw a woman away when she grows older and less attractive.

Slave Masters like to use sex as a motivator to get people to do what they want. Illicit sex leads to blackmail and control. Farmers that raise cows like to bring in "studs" with the right pedigree to impregnate their cows. If you are not a "stud" you get sterilized and are not allowed to reproduce. Think about that. Remember, they decide who is a stud and who is sterile, not you.

5. Porn: Pornography is designed to sell an illusion to replace a reality. In the illusion, hours are spent on make-up, camera angle, lighting, and other effects to make the sexual act "marketable". Porn triggers the same recepticles in the brain as heroin, and is more addictive. It leads to those that are exposed to it trying to continuously try and re-create the illusion in their own lives at the expense of meaningful long-term relationships that are required for a healthy family and offspring. Porn is not a right anymore than a visit to Disneyland.

Society has a right to protect the sanctity of marriage from the evil blood-suckers that profit from destroying it.

6. Narcotics: The current system allows you the right to get all the narcotics you want with a doctor's prescription. Narcotics were introduced into China by the East India Trading Company (The Crown), to pacify what remained of a once great empire and prepare it for conquest. Our current system has criminalized pain and suffering and forced addictive narcotics down our throats. Individuals go from doctor's prescriptions to family and friend's medical cabinets to street drugs.

Heroin, which is the least expensive opiate on the streets, becomes the addicts drug of choice.

Meanwhile, are troops in Afghanistan are prohibited from destroying the opium crop that turns into all that heroin. Every Communist regime eventually rounds up and executes the addicts they originally created, once they have served their purpose of destabilizing any meaningful resistance to Communism. The street gangs that traffic in narcotics will also be targeted for extinction by the Slave Masters that created them. No Society can give itself the Right to Self-Destruction.

So, our children have been taught that they have the right to destroy themselves and the society they live in by those we have entrusted with their education. Instead of the Bill of Rights, we have Animal Farm on a "Brave New World". They should do OK, as long as they take their "Soma", and remember that "Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others."

More in the Next Article:

Paul Drockton M.A. What Passes for Rights These Days