ECB Emergency Overnight Borrowings Near Record For Third Day In A Row

by Tyler Durden
02/21/2011 09:29 -0500

As was reported on Saturday, the culprits for the surge in borrowing on the Marginal Lending Facility have been supposedly identified, with Ireland once again to blame. The flawed explanation provided was that insolvent Irish banks are paying an extra 75 bps in interest just so they have access to capital on a day's notice (as opposed to a week) as they unwind their collateral. Needless to say, we are skeptical of that "explanation." And judging by the fact that today total borrowing on the MLP, while still near record highs, dropped by €2 billion, without any news of collateral unwind to free up asset sales by either Anglo Irish Bank and the Irish Nationwide Building Society, puts the credibility of the FT source at question. What is without doubt, is that borrowings on the MLP will persist for a long time, as was insinuated in the original piece. After all the whole point was to make this latest outlier event "priced in."

Updated borrowings on the ECB's MLP: ... rd-day-row