Economic Crisis Spreads Unrest Globally

by Andrew Gavin Marshall
Global Research
May 18, 2010

RT (Russia Today) interviews Andrew Gavin Marshall, a Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG):

In Thailand, unrest continues with no end in sight. The effects are spreading as unrest continues in Greece and is now beginning in Spain. Are these economic protests the beginning of social revolutions?

In Southeast Asia turmoil continues in Thailand as protesters see no end in sight. The effects are spreading as unrest continues in Greece and is now beginning in Spain. Are these economic protests the beginning of social revolutions?

As the Greek government begins to push for investigations of investment banks, Andrew Gavin Marshall from the Center for Research on Globalization says it’s more than just the banks who are to blame for the crisis.

“Ultimately everyone is responsible in a position of power. The previous Greek governments have been responsible for their bad policies and their collusion with the investment banks. It’s not about one or the other, it’s central banks, investment banks and government power. Together they have all accumulated this bad debtâ€