By Dianne Linderman
October 17, 2009

Many of us look at the leader of the free world and are frozen in our footsteps, watching in amazement, as our country’s history of freedom is unraveled like a ball of yarn. The millions of good men and women who gave their lives for our freedom are not only being taken for granted, but are actually being looked down upon as if they were part of the problem and the builders of an evil empire. We all think that President Obama is the reason for the massive attack on our freedom that we are witnessing, but if you really think deeply about why a perfectly intelligent and even somewhat intellectually brilliant human being could give away our beloved country with the ease and confidence of an Acorn employee dishing out advice to a pimp and a prostitute and not get caught, you would come to understand that President Obama is just a puppet in a world of deeply distorted demonic power managers. These people care nothing about Obama as a person, but only see that he is the perfect tool to destroy America as we know it!

A few days ago, I was teaching entrepreneurship to a class of sixth and seventh graders, and our project was to transform the school into a fair. The first lesson they needed to learn was how to run an event. I explained that they needed to choose a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. First, I asked all of the kids who were interested in being president to gather around me, and I explained what their responsibilities would entail, telling them they would have to be a good leader and direct people, as well as organize different committees, etc. Then each one stood in front of the class and spoke a few words about why they wanted to be president and what they could do. I was sure that this one young man would be chosen because he was so confident, strong, and had a lot of experience with making his own money. I just knew he was the one! Each student caste a vote on a slip of paper, and when the votes were counted, to my absolute shock, the kids had chosen a boy who was silly and had no abilities or experience, just a cute personality.

I was disappointed because I knew that this boy could not do the job, but the kids were thrilled with their decision. This boy had a few friends who had rallied the other kids in the class to vote for him, and he rose to power. After that, they voted for treasurer, and again, they voted for the weakest candidate. I was shocked again. I talked to my friend who is the headmistress of this school and asked her how this happened and why people are so invested in personality and not in character and ability? She said something that was so true, “Dianne, the kids who won the election stand for nothing; they are everyone’s friend and they are all things to all people. Even though the kids like the boy who they elected president, he will not make it past his first task!â€